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Status Updates posted by Goggwell

  1. Kayak backwards is kayaK

    1. zzmorg82


      Lol backwards is loL.

    2. DanYal
    3. cu_rry


      It's backwards already

    4. DJ Khaled

      DJ Khaled

      I have started a movement

  2. Damnit Apple! Why do you have to make it so hard to reset your security questions?

    1. Srau


      I can't change mine because I need to answer my security questions to recover them

    2. Goggwell


      Exactly! And if you don't have a rescue email, you're basically gonna have to contact them via your phone.

    3. Srau


      Too much work :kappa:

    4. --Techarmor--


      Because Apple just want you to feel secure :3

    5. Sakswa


      They are doing both a horrible, and a too good job at making it secure.

  3. That feel when you order a Big Mac, and they give you 2 pickles instead of 3.

    1. Sakswa
    2. --Techarmor--


      Curse them. Feed them with flesh. Make them sure that they suffer like you have suffered!

  4. Who is your celebrity crush?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Juku


      ^ true DiDa is pretty smexy

    3. ILuc123


      Ariana grande duh.

    4. DJ Khaled

      DJ Khaled

      DJ Khaled (No Homo)

    5. zzmorg82


      The key to success.

  5. 1,2,3. I just pissed myself.

    1. smokey


      4, 5, 6. I just shit myself.

    2. MickySoFine


      7,8,9 are you guys 5 year olds?

    3. Diversityy
    4. RJTB
    5. Prophet91


      15,16,17 Nice game

  6. As a programmer, when people ask me why I wear glasses, I simply say 'I need to C#'.

  7. tfw you have to work over the holidays (chinese essay, physics test, econ movie, english analysis)

  8. I thoroughly enjoyed the new Star Wars film! It was like watching the old films, but in a sense that's what we all really wanted. Can't wait for all of you guys to watch it so that we can talk about it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goggwell


      Well, it's too bad you hate Star Wars. But yes, may the force be with you :)

    3. Zahir


      I don't hate it, I just don't really like it.

    4. Raggnar


      I am not a fan aswell but i heared it's a very nice film

    5. MickySoFine


      Spoiler : Obi Wan Kenobi dies!

    6. WheresWaldo


      Han Solo got rape and body fell thru to hell by hes own son whos mother is leia and cliff hanger, luke daughter giving handling hes light saber and camera spinning around and movies end and at the ending with no extra scene for next star wars film episode 8 till march 2017, bad disney

  9. I can't wait to see if they make an anime adaptation of Saitama vs Tatsumaki, and more importantly, Garou (because his story arc is amazing)

  10. Saitama vs Boros, can't wait to see it!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NitroxicDemon
    3. NitroxicDemon
    4. cu_rry
    5. cu_rry



    6. NitroxicDemon
  11. (This is a real conversation, by the way) Dad: Have you paid your fees yet? Me: Not yet. Dad: When are you going to pay them? Me: Maybe tomorrow. Dad: You said you already paid! That's not yet, idiot! Me: *silently facepalms so hard it was felt in Japan and Haiti*

  12. Just 2 years until I enter the ramen-binge phase

  13. Someone almost hacked my FB and Google. Nice try haha

    1. Prophet91
    2. 1Jakey


      How did you even know how they almost hack it ._. I

    3. NitroxicDemon


      Dammit, I failed






    4. Kizzy


      they let you know if someone else trys to login to ur account


    5. WheresWaldo


      they will only let u know if u bound ur mobile phone to ur fb account on ur setting if not u will never know

  14. Boy: Hi, I'm new around here. Could you show me around? Girl: Sorry, I have a boyfriend.

  15. Civil War is coming soon! Pick your side :D

    1. Asclepius
    2. MickySoFine


      Whichever Side Deadpool is on.

    3. DanYal


      Next year :drool: black panther <3

    4. Zahir


      Donald Trump <3


    5. cu_rry
  16. ``

    1. zzmorg82
    2. 1Jakey
    3. WheresWaldo







      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')


      ..........''...\.......... _.·´



  17. After my Movember campaign, I'm doing a Christmas-themed shirt. Happy Holidays!

  18. My Star Wars Movember shirt has gone on sale at my school! This is awesome!

  19. Anonymous has declared war on ISIS after the Paris incident. What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Svensken


      cmon guys lets ddos isis.com :DxD

    3. dezweemer01
    4. Arberlicous


      ISIS most likely has some information stored on computers. Anonymous could leak it to the public.

    5. Svensken


      Who would want to see nudes of a hairy isis-member?..

    6. cu_rry


      You never know what will Anonymous would do.

  20. #Pray4Paris (and also the other places that have been attacked)

    1. WheresWaldo


      San Francisco, CA got attack by a bus, ran over a bicylist, cars, injured 20

    2. WheresWaldo


      friday the 13th is such a bad luck


  21. I just got a manufacturing partner that'll help make all of my shirts! You'll be seeing a lot more shirt designs!

    1. Raggnar


      Great news! Wish you the best luck and can't wait to see more designs (y)

    2. --Techarmor--


      Cool. Good Luck making the shirts.


    3. Joe Exotic

      Joe Exotic

      Discount for iG members?

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