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Status Updates posted by Goggwell

  1. 6 months until I graduate from high school D:

  2. Instead of hacking and designing over the summer, I do it during school time. What is wrong with me

    1. iCrush


      Enjoy holidays :p

    2. Crypto


      Hacking ios games > school

    3. cu_rry
    4. WolfDesigns


      yes its the biggest problem I got

  3. Depending on the circumstances at school, I may push out more hacks throughout September

    1. iCrush


      More games to be reck woa

    2. Guest


      i hope you hack world at arms :3


  4. When McDonald's kush game is too strong: http://i.imgur.com/K60viI4.png

    1. iCrush
    2. mitosis


      I am imagining you calculating when you should hit the order button to get that time lol

  5. Learning about alpha decay and beta decay in Physics :)

  6. Flappy Keemstar out now in the Other Stuff section!

    1. MART938G


      when is it gonna be released on appstore xD:p

    2. Zahir


      When u get a tail

    3. Lil Bibby

      Lil Bibby

      f**k keemstar

    4. MART938G


      matter a fact i have a tail im goku's son. u wot

  7. Petition to add http://i.imgur.com/yR3Ftli.png to the current list of emojis

  8. When there's a kid you don't want to be paired up with, and he has a choice of being your partner or someone else's, and you volunteer ;-;

    1. iCrush


      Helldegrade ;_; loading...

    2. Rook



    3. Juku


      I always make sure I'm paired up with someone, who works and not sit on their ass lol

  9. Last day of SUMMER

  10. When you think "Why don't I go back to hacking? It was fun!", and then you spend 2 hours trying to find a string and the next 2 hours fixing the patcher code.

    1. Crypto
    2. Diversityy
    3. Rook


      Developing is more fun :3

    4. UncoiledLobster


      I have no idea what im doing in hacking oh my god. Today some kid said "Ur a pro hacker right? Can u help me?" I was like hahaha what is hack

  11. In order to cleanse the shoutbox of Pokemon GO, I must destroy all bots. If you want to restore order to the Shoutbox, join me.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Adversity


      Cough Cough let me get my Pokemon issues sorted then I will join you :troll:

    3. Adversity


      I am with you


    4. TheOnlySkiff69
    5. Rook



    6. mitosis
  12. Do you want some spit facts?

  13. To all who have the power to vote for the next U.S. President, vote for Gary Johnson (the most logical candidate in my humble opinion)

    1. FafoWithMatar


      Mabey in 4 years :p, oh wait. Don't even in live in the US ;P

  14. Guys please help. I keep on losing weight even though I eat a lot of food (I eat 4 meals a day + snacks) and I now weigh 45kg. Yesterday I weighed 48, and the day before I weighed 50. I dunno what's happening, and I'm scared.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Goggwell


      PHEW, doctor told me it was just because I wasn't eating properly and that I need to start adding more nutritional foods to my diet. He also mentioned that drinking a lot helps as well. Thanks everyone! (and also my weight loss was partially due to the fact that I recently caught a cold)

    3. ninjacatt


      good to hear things are all good

    4. Adversity


      glass of water/cup of water*

    5. Manager Kim

      Manager Kim

      It's about time u need Jesus, man

  15. Oh how I've grown in 2 years: http://i.imgur.com/jrR7bT9.png

    1. FafoWithMatar


      How cute was that topic.

  16. Midnight Birthday Celebration :D

    1. WolfDesigns


      woop woop happy B-Day

    2. Zahir


      No one cares

    3. castix


      Happy Birthday! @Zahir are you jealous tehe

    4. Raggnar


      Happy B-day Gogg ;)

  17. For those of you wondering where the first set of designs are for the PokemonGods update, you can check them out in the GFX section!

    1. Archangel04


      lol. Pokemon Gods?


    2. WolfDesigns


      Goggwell let me in

    3. WolfDesigns


      Goggwell let me in

  18. Who's up for a design regarding the recent Pokemon-themed update for iOSGods? (PokemonGods)

    1. WolfDesigns


      #me I will work with you if you want

    2. FafoWithMatar


      Please don't make it a thing.

    3. Diversityy


      I'm up for you.

  19. Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rook


      In Russia, game plays you

    3. cu_rry


      In America, Trump plays with you

    4. FafoWithMatar


      In Swewed, snows f**ks you.

    5. Sakswa


      In Norway, summer is winter.

    6. Goggwell


      In Game of Thrones, winter is coming.

  20. When you miss 3 Snorlaxes and you finally catch one, but it's only 42CP...

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