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    iPhone 14 Pro
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  1. Around $1500 (including taxes) Pretty good price for a laptop with a GTX 1070 It's not cheaper but I got it for $1500 which is pretty nice (was on sale for a while) It depends on the laptop, some are pretty easy to replace parts. Others are impossible because of how its built. Idk if I can do it on this one.
  2. Recently got the Acer Predator 17 laptop
  3. Requested Award: Bulletin Proof: (this used to be pinned) Requested Award: Famous Proof: Requested Award: Member for 2 Years Proof: https://iosgods.com/profile/67193-asir/ Requested Award: Bronze Profile Views Proof: https://iosgods.com/profile/67193-asir/ Also maybe remove my supporter rank since I'm no longer one (or you could give me it back >:P)
  4. Y'all need God so here you go http://biblesforamerica.org/place-order/
  5. I'm back and ready to claim my Supporter rank once again

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