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Status Updates posted by Goggwell

  1. You guys ever get that feeling that a duck is somewhere spying on you?

  2. Have you ever confused a banana with your laptop?

    1. Rook


      All the time

    2. .jpg


      I confused a pen for a spoon for my coffee when studying


  3. Starting my first fraction of a bitcoin mine :D

    1. _Trickster_


      You should send me your script plus you make 55.38 every 24 hours


  4. Castix got a knife, well DiDA got me a free subscription to Justin Bieber's latest tour "I'm The Best So Shut Up" :D

  5. Gonna be hacking Zenonia 4 (the easiest game I could think of). If anyone wants to watch me hack, here's the TV ID: m26-526-972

    1. Goggwell


      Right now it's 6PM GMT+7, so I'm gonna be hacking very slowly. I'm ending the TV in 2 hours :)

    2. castix


      Can you do another Teamviewer meeting today? I was at work

  6. 11+ projects + Schoolwork + GFX Job = I'm dead

    1. Diversityy


      Good luck DemiGod :)

    2. AnotherLurker


      + Blow Job = amazing

    3. Srau


      Taking any requests? top kek

  7. I have been shown a whole new world of hacking :o

    1. K3NNNY


      What is it? Show us

    2. Rook


      Say NO to drugs

    3. Goggwell
  8. School :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. .jpg


      It's already started in Australia, about 2 terms and 3 weeks

    3. Pavitrin


      @thejordan1221 I'm in Australia and its almost end of term 3 for me :D

    4. WolfDesigns
    5. Incognite


      dammit school :(

  9. Phimosis. I'm so happy

    1. Sakswa


      You have phimosis?

    2. Goggwell
    3. Sakswa


      Well, that sucks. Are you gonna operate it?


    4. Goggwell
    5. Sakswa


      Good for you!

  10. Please someone make an MSHook Patcher template

  11. School is starting soon :(

    1. Rook
    2. Klepto


      Which is why I'm joining the cartel instead

    3. Diversityy
    4. spiritswithin
  12. Thank you Shmoo! You have turned Gameloft into a joke!

  13. Newest tutorial for Cheaters only ;)

  14. I will learn Obj-C and stuff about the iOS kernel so we are more legit ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goggwell


      I meant legit as in swag at hacking

    3. CmakLove
    4. abidfaster


      Good luck man, I'm also learning Obj-C too.

    5. Tamil
    6. Goggwell


      I have learnt so much already

  15. Your feed is so full. I wish mine was :(

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