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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Are you using lldb from the first post?
  2. There's a public version for Brave Frontier also.
  3. Giveaway has ended and the winners have been chosen! I have contacted each winner via the email they used to participate in the giveaway or the Twitter tweet they made. Thanks to everyone else for participating and stay tuned for more upcoming giveaways like this!
  4. iOSGods.com http://iosgods.com/topic/5137-clash-of-clans-official-iosgodscom-clan/
  5. The games that I actually play are: Modern Combat 5 & Clash of Clans. MC5 because I like action and FPS games. CoC because I have to support the iOSGods.com clan. That's the only two I usually play, not mentioning the ones which I install and remove after I'm done.
  6. I did not want to update to 8.2/8.3 in order to fix this so I went ahead and tried Semi-Restore and it fixed my issue. I can now download from the App Store on my iPad.
  7. What's the problem?
  8. It's trying to download something but it's been stuck like this for few:
  9. It's not even recognising my iDevice
  10. You don't like it? Use Revo Uninstaller.
  11. I think castix has made a generator for it? Check Tools section.
  12. I will post yours though
  13. Instead of using try this: On the iPhone SSH Window (PuTTY) type in: debugserver your.pc.ip.here:8018 --attach=ProcessID Then on the lldb Window on your PC type this: process connect connect://your.idevice.ip.here:8018 Wait for a few seconds and when you get process xxx stopped and some kernel stuff, press CTRL+C and then debug the app.
  14. No, this is that gikdbg. http://blog.llvm.org/2015/01/lldb-is-coming-to-windows.html
  15. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  16. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  17. Get a secret copy of the Jailbreak
  18. About iTools: iTools is a tool to manage all your iOS devices in a very similar way to iTunes, but it adds a few new and interesting options, while ridding itself of some of the more annoying features found in the Apple program. To start using the program you must first connect all of your iOS devices (iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch, iPad) to your PC. Once connected, you can easily manage all the content by making use of the versatility of iTunes and the simplicity of Windows Explorer. From the different windows in the app, you can manage your photos, music and applications; transferring them to your machine easily, deleting them and renaming them. Of course, you can also get a general look at your device, and check how much space is occupied or left free. All the information displayed on iTools is somewhat similar to that of iTunes, but it does come with the bonus of increased simplicity that many users will appreciate. And as if all this were not enough, the application does not require any installation, so you just have to start it and you're away. iTools is a very interesting alternative to iTunes, whose main benefit lies in the fact that you can take it anywhere and use it from a flash drive without installation. Download Link for iTools Official Version
  19. You don't get to be the man at the top without making enemies looking to tear you down to the ground. - Ben Urich

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rook


      The good guy dies and the bad guy goes to jail.

    3. rsharma2k11


      I actually liked Wesley , he was loyal and he spoke so much better . Poor guy had to die at her hands . Bad guys are not that bad in this show as far as I see it . Bad ones are like ones in Dexter .

    4. Rook


      Wilson is a nice character.the actor who plays him does a really good job!

    5. Drholmes


      This phrase best describes the story of One Piece mwuahhaha ;)

    6. Rook
  20. You don't get to be the man at the top without making enemies looking to tear you down to the ground. - Ben Urich

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WolfDesigns


      @Klepto God has a enemy name satan who broke his heart xD

    3. Klepto


      Too bad I am Satan... Whose a God. >:)

    4. WolfDesigns


      @Klepto DiDA duhh...

    5. Klepto
    6. NitroxicDemon


      Ima tear you down DiDA B)

  21. Yeah, at least we know it can be Jailbroken after Apple patched a lot of things.
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