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Everything posted by Ted2

  1. I think they let know on Twitter, so enable notifications for their account
  2. Laxus I love you

    1. Laxus


      Love you too <3

  3. For those who are interested, I wrote a bot for a game: https://github.com/joeyjurjens/Fest-Bot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laxus
    3. bR34Kr


      For the UUID it generates be sure to check out the game's binary and traceback to pre request to see how it makes them UUIDs

    4. Ted2


      Yeah I tried, I haven't been able to figure it out sadly.
      But what I have now, works great so once I've free time I might try again

    5. bR34Kr


      Good stuff :dance:

    6. Ted2
  4. Who’s your daddy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ted2


      really cutie?

    3. Agacy
    4. Ted2
    5. Agacy
    6. bR34Kr


      Alright you got me, I’m my mommy you’re my daddy

  5. hello world

    1. Laxus


      Error: Command not found ‘hello’

    2. bR34Kr


      Congrats! We now know how to print Hello world!. In the next tutorial we’ll create Minecraft in Brainf***

    3. Zahir
  6. For all "hackers" out here, I see that Dead By Daylight hasn't been hacked, yet it's a popular game request.

    On android, this game is unencrypted (all function names are shown). Meaning, you can find stuff on android & then find it in the iOS binary as well by looking for close by strings / instruction patterns.

    This is a common technique, which can be applied on lot's of games. This way you don't have to debug the hell out of the game.

    1. DedCracks


      U think it’s hackable then?

    2. DedCracks


      It has been hacked now on another forum

    3. Dr.Killshot


      Any links to the forum?

    4. danishzd2


      what other forum


  7. Anyone some cool coding project ideas?

    1. Laxus


      Aimbot for noob like me please

    2. K_K


      Being able to debug on A13 sevices would be nice 🤪

    3. Ashjgsmith


      Monster legends please!!

  8. Anyone knows the stability with hooking on the new unc0ver jailbreak?

    1. Cyborg101


      No, I am actually trying to figure out the same thing as well

    2. Laxus


      Nah still sucks

    3. Drxp_MVP
  9. mod apk doesn’t exists on iOS. Meaning you can’t delete it, which means you didn’t delete it
  10. iOS doesn’t have APK’s. Remove the hack from Cydia if you have issues with it.
  11. oh yes daddy

    1. Ted2


      @Laxus I just deleted your comment, I want a better one

    2. Laxus
    3. Ted2


      thx bro

  12. First of all, you aren't supposed to be able to do this. Meaning, if you want to figure out how it's been done you have to reverse engineer the hack, just like you have to reverse engineer the game. Secondly, I posted Blitz Brigade offsets, where Joka's hack was based on: https://iosgods.com/topic/73898-blitz-brigade-v350-3/ This topic title tells which version it was for, so you can work from there. Lastly, if you're gonna use someone else's work, make sure to credit them. No one like leechers who take credit for things they did not make.
  13. Was a suggestion, not issue report . Anyways, awesome job looks very fresh
  14. Cool stuff. Suggestion: The switch from ARM to HEX or HEX to ARM is not really clear on what it does (to me), so might make that more clear Question: What's this based on?
  15. A armconverter alternative for now: http://shell-storm.org/online/Online-Assembler-and-Disassembler/

    Use option: AArch64 

    MOV W0, #0 = "\x00\x00\x80\x52"
    "\x00\x00\x80\x52" = 0x00008052

  16. Hi, I'm writing a bot for a game, which is going pretty well. However, there's one thing where I'd have to send a ID within the request, the ID has a specific format but when I recreate this format, the request is invalid. So I was wondering if there's some pattern finding tool out there that can find patterns in those working ID's: "b312c64c-b2f3-4e52-901e-250c24b6f2e1" "cf378a46-88f4-4d96-a917-c3a3ab4ffacd" "b8070132-2310-4855-8b60-b0b7c7bbf389" "4ff3cb35-3e0a-47a3-a84a-ef312dd672ce" "000536fc-88df-43dc-a48c-c631aedc25a3" "22254f63-a33b-4748-9e35-289f4604ff7b" "9c6ccadc-ca4b-4a4b-be4c-8827fcf1afb3" "6bba803c-647e-484d-8be6-54ed006d5323" "cabff750-b883-4af0-a647-8f28aeb8ae76" "0dc8e449-9661-4257-9299-942043f6407a" "fc11814f-8ae1-4a51-84dc-637a05c0e255" The only common thing I see is: The format is always the same, the '4' after the second '-' is always in the same place. Also, it's a-f & 0-9 If anyone happens to know a tool or can see something pattern worthy with your eyes, please let me know Thxx
  17. No programming knowledge then, I assume?
  18. Ted2

    Can I get chatbox unban at 30K community reputation?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mr.Cursed


      petition to unban(1)


    3. Max-Q


      i still dont like your collaboration with other site/persons. @Ted2

    4. Ted2


      Lol what?! Who planted the idea in your head that you can not join other communities? That’s a really weird thing lol, I mean I understand that people who get paid shouldn’t he releasing hacks on other communities for free, but why can’t they talk to people? Learn from them, help them, collab with them etc? 

    5. Max-Q


      ^_^Nobody planted anything.Just that other communities stolen codes from here and used them for their own forum.This makes them non-friendly communities for iosgods. 

    6. Ted2


      You know people on here do that as well right? Though I don’t think this is the best place to have this discussion.

  19. ignoring my discord but checking out my profile huh? U wanna fight?

    1. Laxus


      Why don’t you dc me pepehands 

    2. Ted2


      @Laxus u always ignore me as well

    3. PTGM


      hey Crimson please update pubg hack :(

  20. What'd be the most efficient way to implement submenus in Objective-C?

    1. Archangel04


      Implement something which hides certain buttons depending on a certain input. 

      Then when you press the "submenu" it hides all except submenu options

    2. Ted2


      Yeah something like that, currently thinking on how I can tell certain switches to be part of the sub menu switch. Could do it by name, but I’d rather have it automatically 🤓

    3. bR34Kr


      An array for the path. You could also do something inspired by a NavigationView or a drop down

  21. Is it a known issue hooks cause crashes on unc0ver for iOS 13?
    Like I hooked a function in a game, which works for me but crashes for someone on unc0ver,.
    But I also hooked a function for another game, which worked for both of us.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Fadexz


      It's all about Checkra1n  😛

    3. Ted2


      yeah, way better. Just annoying to not know whether it’s gonna work or not due the weird instability where it sometimes works and sometimes not.

    4. Fadexz


      Haven't had much instability personally.

    5. Ted2


      you probably only tested offset patch

    6. Fadexz


      imma noob

  22. pls unban from chetbox

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. xLuc1ferx


      Let it goo... let it goo

    3. Max-Q
    4. bR34Kr


      It’s hard for @Rook to decide since if he unbans him then anyone will come and beg for an unban, but Ted really worked hard and gave a lot to the community. Maybe make an exception?

    5. Ted2


      @RookI’ll be good boy

    6. roarijo89


      Who df is rook like IDa better

  23. My menu now has an easy option to support framework based games. See comment in this pull request on how to use it, or check the readme on github. You'll probably gonna have to use this more&more with the new Unity updates.

    1. Laxus
    2. GeTRoZ


      Hi @Ted2

      I use your mod menu for my tweaks. I see your github repo update but I only see how to include de framework but not any sample of use or how I can explode that functionality.

      Thanks for your great tool.

    3. Ted2


      Very vague question. If a game uses the framework instead of main executable, you just set the framework name & that's all.
      Not sure what your question is really about.

    4. GeTRoZ


      Ok, I understand now. Sorry for my question.

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