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Everything posted by Ted2

  1. Yo, on what phone are you compiling? And what tutorial did you follow to install theos
  2. What happens if you type make clean package? Pretty weird it tries to compile armv7 even though u removed it
  3. Hello, what does your makefile look like? It looks like you’re trying to build arm32 but a iOS that does not support arm32 anymore. remove arm7 from makefile and try again
  4. You can’t do memory patches on NJB phones, so that’s why it’s crashing
  5. Flex allows you to modify Objective-C/Swift methods, as it "dumps" those method. This is nice, especially for tweak development. However, if you take modern games as an example, flex will be useless 99% of the time. This is because game engines strip method names, also known as sub_x methods which you can not modify within flex as flex can not "dump" this. In IDA, you're loading the game's executable, and have access to all of its code to be modified (note: most games have some server side code that you can not modify, hence why some games don't have things such as currency hacks as the server side validates this). IDA is more complex than Flex, but with some tutorials you can find around here in the form you can quickly learn to mod games with IDA, especially Unity games as those games can be dumped with a tool called il2cppdumper. This does basically what flex does; It dumps all methods, classes, variables etc of the game and all you have to do is look up the address inside IDA and modify it.
  6. Ghidra is a great alternative (and free)
  7. Ah, I understand.
  8. U know u can find online resources to learn Java for free, right? On youtube, blogs etc.
  9. You’ll have to write code for that yourself or hire someone to do it
  10. Hello, have you set the following in tweak.xm? [menu setFrameworkName:"FrameworkName"]; And then just used the HOOK() method?
  11. The issue was that there was no UnityFramework.
  12. I’ll try and update the topic in some places. Most things are still relevant, just some tools used are outdated on the phone.
  13. The post is old as I use GamePlayer
  14. Install a hack from here with an anti-ban feature. That *should* let you play. You can just keep the other menu options disabled. There’s also this, but idk if it still works;
  15. For spotify++, I recommend Spotilife tweak from Julio Verne. For YouTube++, I use the tweak Cercube.
  16. return old_AmmoAmount(instance) * 10; // Return whatever my current ammo is multiplied by 10 This is correct.
  17. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ExecutionOrder.html This is a great graph that tells you what and when they're being executed. So I don't think any of those two will work. It's possible other classes have an instance of this IAPManager class, and handle it there. But without more info, I can't really answer.
  18. No, in programming you have getters and setters; int getCoins() { return coins } void setCoins(int newValue) { coins = new_value } As you can see, to one of those functions you can pass a new value (SET). The other one just returns a variable (GET). Function pointers are not any different, because the function pointer is that function and so, they work the same. If for some reason you don't want to hook it, then I recommend opening the binary in IDA, go to the ReloadDuration method, and see which variable(s) is being used here (0x<some_value>. I assume this is an Unity game, so on top of the class ReloadDuration is in, you'll find a list of variables. See which one of them is inside ReloadDuration. You can then change these variables in the FixedUpdate method, like so: *(int*)((uint64_t)instance + 0x<variable_code> = 0;
  19. No. You should first figure out how the app is build. Native Android? React Native? Flutter? & then according to that information look for keywords in the bin/files you should be looking at. A newer tool compared to?
  20. Would be best to tell which games so people can re-produce the issue, right now no one can do anything with this information.
  21. He’s right. Freezing means it’s hit. If you type “c” or “continue” the game will unfreeze. I’ll edit the tutorial soon, as this is a unclear thing for more people.
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