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Everything posted by Ted2

  1. Nicely written, note thought that STR stands for store, so it's storing it. Generally, LDR is used to load something from memory to a register, and STR is used to store something from a register to a memory address.
  2. Problem is already solved
  3. Ok fixed it. My project called "Theos Projects" was causing this, folder shouldn't have spaces. Thanks to kirb for pointing that out. https://github.com/theos/theos/issues/502
  4. Theos installation: https://github.com/theos/theos/wiki/Installation-macOS When I do this on my old macbook, it works just fine
  5. Hello, Today I got a new macbook, so I was installing theos which seemed to go alright.However, when trying to make a package, I'm getting very weird warnings and errors. Which are the following: https://pastebin.com/nNBFZabv This is the output when I do make package messages=yes: https://pastebin.com/dkS0z1SD It's also creating a file called "Theos" when doing make package in two directories back from the actual project I'm trying to compile. This seems pretty random, why two directories back and why is it even creating this empty file called "Theos"? I'm unsure why these errors appear, the only thing I can think of is that I installed xCode from the apple developers website instead of AppStore due the fact I run High Sierra on this macbook (so can't install from AppStore). But installing it from the apple developer site, should come with the same toolchain etc right? Anyone has any idea how I can possibly fix this? Thank you in advance! @Rook pls tell me u know
  6. It's ok. You should be able to debug, just type "c" or "continue" & the game should continue.
  7. I know that you cannot hook functions with two instructions, that might be the case on this one due the weird function end (a function call instead of “RET”). You should try it on the function those two are calling.
  8. Hm, weird. What happens when you just return a custom value? Not a slider switch value. Also, both functions seem to end with a return from another function, you’re probably better of hacking that.
  9. In that case you’re using comments incorrect, as it doesn’t make sense commenting unrelated offsets above a hook & then not comment the actual offset, lol. Also, show how it looks like in IDA
  10. See sample.xm
  11. Just look at your offsets. You’re not using the one you should, you made them up yourself.
  12. Need to see this in working :lul:
  13. I don't think you have to fill something in the long long, but yes you should make the function return true.
  14. I'd suggest setting up LLDB, so you can use strings & breakpoints while hacking. Breakpoints are very useful, as it'll freeze the game if the location you set a breakpoint on is used, so for example if you think you found ammo & you shoot, it should freeze the game because of the ammo value changes. You can also see which registers hold what, so then you'd also know which register to hack.
  15. Probably, I think you could even make NJB hacks with mobile somehow, I think TheArmKing did that.
  16. If you're still having issues you may Discord me: Joey#0309
  17. This is the best answer
  18. I'm f***ing stupid & forgot to update the template .tar download in my cleanup commit.


    So please download updated template:  https://github.com/joeyjurjens/iOS-Mod-Menu-Template-for-Theos/blob/master/Ted2's Mod Menu Template.nic.tar

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elidon13


      I swear that's what I wanted to say as well LMFAO

    3. Ted2


      well kinda, @DADi banned me from chatbox which means i look dead 😂

    4. Elidon13
    5. Ted2


      ask him cause i don’t remember 

    6. Elidon13
  19. Hello, My Mod Menu is written in obj-c and is open source on github: https://github.com/joeyjurjens/iOS-Mod-Menu-Template-for-Theos
  20. Why don't you hook into the UITableViewLabel where it's being show and then change the string. Do you know the class and method it's being displayed in?
  21. try rename without space etc
  22. Updated Mod Menu template, please read tweet if you use it:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ted2


      thx getroz

    3. Laxus


      I use your menu too Kappa 

    4. Ted2


      no u don't, so stop hating and judging cause u don't know anything about it :mad:

    5. Laxus


      I appreciate your works tho @Ted2

    6. Ted2


      thanks babeyh <3 

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