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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  2. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  3. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  4. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  5. Watch the video and some comments on this thread for some help.
  6. This is for v2.4.2. The latest one is 2.4.5..
  7. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  8. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  9. Mass advertisement on the video title.
  10. Can you add some pictures and a bit more explanation?
  11. Isn't this the same as this? http://iosgods.com/topic/321-speedmanager-fast-forward-time-in-games-v12/ Anyways, I've added 2 DDL's on the first post.
  12. Traditional: 補充一點,在第一篇文章 Simplified: 补充一点,在第一篇文章 Hope you understand Google Translate
  13. I think you should include that on the first post.
  14. Try this bug as guest then login. I think this only works when you're completing the tutorial..
  15. YOLO I just checked, it is. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blitz-brigade-online-multiplayer/id580175049?mt=8
  16. Blitz Brigade? Switch to the US App Store and download it.
  17. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  18. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  19. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  20. You just complete the tutorial and you buy that and that's it??
  21. Nice find @@Tokyo_Ghoul! :thumbsup:
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