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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Enjoy everyone! Let me know if you have any suggestions on how we can make it better.
  2. He's made lots of helpful tutorials.
  3. Updated template: Hey everyone! I wanted to make a custom Patcher template for myself so I could make hacks easily without having to go through editing all the files over and over again... Well, I made the custom New Instance Creator Patcher Template (as you can see in the screenshot above) and thought I'd share it with everyone else. What is this? This is a custom patcher template for the New Instance Creator. What does this do? You know how you have to make a tweak project and then cd into that folder and make a subproject of the tweak project to make it into a patcher? This template makes it so all you have to do is press number 1, type in your info and your patcher project folder will be created. How to use it? Open up a terminal, type in: /var/theos/bin/nic.pl and select [1.] iOSGods Patcher v1.2 from the list. What are the features? 1. The tweak.xm content is from @SUPERGIU's patcher tutorial. 2. The Preference Bundle will look like this by default but you can change anything to whatever you like. 3. Auto added support for ARM64 architecture. 4. PROJECTNAME_FRAMEWORKS = UIKit is also there. 5. iOSGods.com link is there also. 6. Some other cool stuff. Download: [Hidden Content] How to install: 1. Download the Archive above. 2. Copy and paste the archive to /var/theos/templates/iphone 3. Run NIC and select the iOSGods Patcher v1.2 option. CSCI Template can be found here: http://iosgods.com/topic/2355-updatetemplate-custom-nic-code-injection-template/ Credits: @DiDA @SUPERGIU for the tweak.xm content.
  4. From what I've heard, they've patched it on 1.4.1.. :confused:
  5. There is a free version posted in Cydia Substrate Chats which has more features.
  6. hahaha no. I didn't get this from you. I remember I had cydia.radare2.org on Cyder
  7. Was reinstalling theos after a restore and while running the git command to clone theos in my /var folder, I got the "illegal instruction: 4" error. DiDAs-iPhone:~ root# cd /var && git clone git://github.com/coolstar/theos.git Illegal instruction: 4 I managed to fix it for myself and thought I'd share it for anyone having the same problem. The error is caused because of your git version. I realized I had installed the git package from cydia.radare.org so I uninstalled git and temporary removed the repo so the default BigBoss git would appear. Install the git package from the BigBoss repo, respring and run the git command on MobileTerminal without a problem. Hope this helped!
  8. Nice one! :thumbsup: Fixed your thread up a bit also. Nah, no need for hiding it. It annoys people.
  9. Rook


  10. You're welcome son.
  11. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  12. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  13. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  14. No Matter How Bad It Is Or How Bad It Gets, I’m Going To Make It!

  15. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  16. It's only 6 Plus mostly. The iPhone 6 is more stable since it's smaller. Don't tell me you bought it?
  17. Why is this thread so popular?
  18. 20m views
  19. Why do you have to post everything in VIP?
  20. Why you hide that?
  21. That video is getting 1 million views every hour.
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