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Everything posted by C.L.G

  1. Ok so I want suggestions to add to this list since I don't know many tweaks. My repo's will be at the bottom of the hidden bit for most of these tweaks. so in no random order the tweaks I recommend (tested on my Iphone SE on 11.3.1, you may have issues on the X but most tweaks are fine) The number of tweaks in this list = 45 [Hidden Content] Enjoy customising your phone! If you want to be updated when I add more tweaks to this list, make sure to hit the "Follow" button in the top right corner!
  2. Football’s coming home!

  3. when you need to beg @DiDA to look at a topic for it to get attention
  4. what do YOU call it?
  5. my guy
  6. idc do you think its soccer or football
  7. ohkk
  8. My g
  9. @Ted2 if football gets more votes than soccer will you use the term football?
  10. It's football. Let's be real here cmon
  11. oh yeah cus people kick with their arms dont they and we needed to specify XD what do you meaaaaaaaan
  12. Let's have a vote, is the game where you kick a ball around and into a goals called "Football" or "Soccer"? https://www.strawpoll.me/15972419/ vote here
  13. @Joka's parents are siblings

    1. Joka


      no one cares

    2. Xylla


      @Joka Hey mommy

    3. xLuc1ferx


      I dont wanna roast joka again xD

    4. Fadexz


      You're mom must be hoot

  14. @DiDA is a spanner

    1. Rook
    2. Fadexz


      That means you're useful.

  15. hide your kids and your wife from the zucc, the android is taking over the world


    1. bR34Kr


      I updated his firmware to the latest last night. Now he's ok




    2. C.L.G


      he needs more thermal paste, the machine has to keep drinking water to cool down

  16. Wagwan my g

    1. Kira


      Issa WASTEMAN that yute ya dunce?

  17. Wagwan my g
  18. C.L.G


    1. Rook


      W A S T E M A N

    2. C.L.G



  20. this is a christian server dont say that
  21. click on my update and send help


  22. like the 5th time about my epic games account being locked guys chill i beg stop i dont even pay for battle pass so no point cracking my account xD


    1. Max-Q


      since yesterday we have the new update of a bruteforce checker bought with money,now crackers bomb epicgames site 

      i remind you crackers made even 4000$ in 1 month with seling codes i gaved in giveaway

    2. C.L.G


      @absoluT1on why they goin after my account then? got nothing on it...


      also should i make a really long password just for it or should two step verification be enough?

    3. Max-Q


      they got a combo and you are in that combo,change passs and add 2nd factor

      then you are cool

    4. C.L.G


      welp its like 2000 characters now :rofl:

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