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Everything posted by C.L.G

  1. Pick your poison, Bill Cosby or Cardi B?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soud69
    3. C.L.G


      @Soud3mk501 what if bill cosby is your uncle and cardi B is your auntie?

    4. Curiosity-Not-Allow


      idk--trow the coin--


    5. Pradeep6868


      I hereby revoke this question!

    6. Night Rose

      Night Rose

      Umm bill cosby, all them b****es we’re liars.

  2. Sorry man I deleted all the tools for it and persona 5 however if you have ps4wizard, a jailbroken ps3 or it’s ok pc you can mod it yourself using a tutorial
  3.  pewdiepie took the #1 spot again LUL

  4. member for a year member for 2 years winner of a giveaway advanced VIP proof: my profile and my vip @DiDA
  5. Who do you guys think will win the 2020 US election?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C.L.G


      you got orange man, bill clinton's wife's emails + others I don't know since i'm british

    3. Mistaplat


      hopefully america this time

    4. C.L.G


      @Mistaplat LUL who won last time?

    5. Pradeep6868


      That Indian women 

    6. Mistaplat


      @C.L.G definitely not America

  6. Article 13 passed rip

    1. Ted2


      now I passed.


      rip joey

    2. Curiosity-Not-Allow
    3. Ted2


      Uh? Maybe everyone cares? Do you even know what article 13 is?

    4. C.L.G


      @cucukicu everyone on the internet who aren't massive companies care

    5. Diversityy
  7. Can I use it on christian servers or does jesus block it?
  8. @Lhebi also if you find out how to get it working on iOS 12 can you comment how you did it so I can update the topic?
  9. Ok, good luck getting it working on iOS 12
  10. I don’t have an iOS 12 device to test it on, sorry. However I’ve not encountered a preference error for this before. Maybe you’re missing some essential Cydia tweaks? Have you installed preference loader?
  11. No problem. If you have any issues just comment and I’ll try to help
  12. I saw some of these requests for CallBar X and how some people couldn’t get it working. So here’s how I got it working for my IPhone SE on 11.3.1 [Hidden Content] If this has helped you in anyway, don’t forget to hit the like button and comment if you need any more help [Hidden Content]
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