New, updated Family Guy Service: Hello everyone! We're all saddened due to CoolHomer discontinuing his awesome Family Guy cheat and leaving tons of users without a free working mod but, apparently, there is another one. It's not made by the same author but it has the same functionality as the previous one. Here's a tutorial on how to use it. Requirements: - A Web Browser. - Account needs to be on level 10 or above otherwise it won't get accepted. - Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff or Android Version. - You will need a reddit account that's one week old. Hack Features: - Unlimited Clams - Unlimited Coins - And more! Instructions: 1. First you will need to find your Player ID ingame. 2. To do that open Family Guy, click the menu button located the bottom of your screen then press on "Account Info" on the menu. 3. Then you will see your 32 digit Player ID on the bottom-right corner: 4. Keep the menu open and visit this Website on your PC: [Hidden Content] That's it! Enjoy!