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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Go to the link below, enter your email and you will receive a key! Enjoy! [hide]https://www.cyberghostvpn.com/sharewareonsale[/hide]
  2. You're in the credits too Good job to you too!
  3. Hello everyone! I'll be showing you a neat tweak that let's you duplicate any social network app or any app in general! It's Called Social Duplicator and you can find it in the BigBoss repo or if you're a cheap head, get it from HYI repo. iPA Installer Console & AppList are dependencies which must be installed for the Social Duplicator to work! Once you have installed the tweak, go to settings, find Social Duplicator (scroll down), tap on it and you will be presented with this screen: Duplicating an app is pretty straight forward. Just tap on "Select An App" and select the app you want duplicated. Go back after you selected your app and if you want, you can give the new icon that will appear on your SpringBoard a new name or even color. Once you're ready, click the Duplicate button at the bottom and then click the Duplicate button again on the popup. Now you have 2 of the same apps:
  4. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    522 You guys do know that your post counts don't grow posting here?
  5. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    Well, most members here aren't hackers and they just came for hacks 517
  6. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    I'll be back when it's near 1,000 See who's going to get admin then 512
  7. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    random number 507
  8. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    Count to 1k? Restart from 0 or 500?
  9. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    ababhahahabahabhabhbahahahbahabhabahbahbabhbahbahahaah I bet you were all refreshing the page like hell!
  10. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    Loosing count 495
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