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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Have you tried NewTerm? It's really nice but still in BETA try it from cydia.iphonecake.com
  2. Does it work for iOS 8?
  3. Very interesting game this one was.
  4. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  5. Give it a try and let us know.
  6. Check the first post now. You should see the download link.
  7. Thank god! 8.1.1 has patched the Jailbreak.
  8. It's not a source??
  9. impossible! Link me to it!
  10. I have to learn how to use Excel :cry:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. WolfDesigns


      do they make you do assignments like review questions or do 3.1 3.2 assignments

    3. Rook
    4. Euclides
    5. WolfDesigns
    6. WolfDesigns
  11. Read this tutorial on how to install them: http://iosgods.com/topic/2547-tutorial-how-to-add-addons-to-xbmc/
  12. By adding the authors name at the end.
  13. Yepp. But try not to post hacks without asking the original author if you can post them first.
  14. Be careful not to cobfuse the WiFi address with Bluetooth address because they exacrly the same except one character at the end. I don't think he's added your MAC address to the whitelist yet. I think you should wait a bit more and if you still can't get it working, email him again.
  15. Your MAC address probably has not been activated yet. Wait another 2 days and see if you get a reply from AquaWu and make sure you sent him the correct MAC Address which is under Settings -> General -> About -> Wi-FI Address
  16. I think your MAC address should be activated by now but he just hasn't sent you the instructions on how to make iGameGuardian 7 work. 1. Remove any Cracks or hacks or flex tweaks you might have for it. 2. Uninstall iGameGuardian 7 from Cydia. 3. Install this iGG 7 via iFile and reboot: http://iosgods.com/topic/2362-igameguardian-70-deb-download-link-igg-7-for-ios-8xx/ 4. Open iGG 7 for about 20 times until the 'initialization Failed' message dissapears. Open -> Ok -> Crash -> Open again.
  17. How many days has it been since you sent him the MAC address and proof of purchase?
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