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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Duplicate it using another method then. There's another video tutorial on this section.
  2. Just stating the truth.
  3. Still works on iOS 8.1.
  4. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  5. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  6. You beat everyone.
  7. If you want some more tutorials, let me know because I can get you tons!
  8. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  9. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  10. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    1337!!!! L33t
  11. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  12. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  13. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  14. Did you get Social Duplicator 2? That's the one for iOS 8.
  15. No, it doesn't work on iOS 8...
  16. I sense a game update coming soon now
  17. World At Arms has Anti-Debugging Protection (ptrace) You need to disable ptrace in order to debug the process. Disable ptrace by doing this: Open Terminal and type in: gdb /User/Containers/Bundle/Application/xxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx/MCT.app/MCTThen:break ptraceThen:runTerminal will show you the Offset. Go to the offset in IDA and NOP ptrace and then attach MCT again normally. More info: http://www.coredump.gr/articles/ios-anti-debugging-protections-part-1/ Tutorial by shmoo: https://iosgods.com/topic/26721-breaking-securityhow-to-disable-syscall-anti-debugging-protection/
  18. This isn't the member introductions section. Give your topic a proper title and not "hey guys". Do you get this Segmentation fault: 11 only when attaching MCT or every other process?
  19. It's your iPhones settings.
  20. I'm going to find a way to disable quoting the first post on mobile skin also
  21. Nah, it's okay as long as it has the iOSGods.com link there.
  22. Another Terminal: MTerminal http://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/depiction.php?file=mterminalDp Deb download link: http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/debs2.0/mterminal_1.0-3.deb
  23. No, no need. Tutorials are not meant to be locked.
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