Hello everyone!
iOS 9 was released on September the 16th 2015 and a Jailbreak for iOS 9 was released by the Pangu Team on the 14th of October. With the new Jailbreak, we noticed that iOS 9 had changed a few things which rendered some or most Cydia Tweaks unusable and also broke a few Cydia Substrate hacks you may find here on iOSGods.
So if the hack you're trying to install on your iOS 9 device crashes your app or has no effect on it even if you've turned it on from settings, you can use this fix below.
**Only proceed if your app is crashing or the hack has no effect on the game even though it supports it. This mostly effects iPhone 5s and later devices**
The process is called "Binary Thinning" or "Binary Patching". Because of the changes in iOS 9, cracking tools such as Rasticrac or Clutch will not work to crack an app. So you will need to either find a cracked IPA online from sites such as AppCake and thin the binary from that IPA or you could use a device which is on iOS 7/8 to crack the app and thin the binary so you can then apply it to your device which is on iOS 9. Cheaters might also be able to supply a thinned binary on the hack's topic for iOS 9 users.
A very detailed tutorial on how to perform a binary patch can be found here.
Cheaters will also need to update their Cheats to support iOS 9 as this might also be the cause of the crashes: http://iosgods.com/topic/18218-tutorial-how-to-update-your-tweakhack-to-support-ios-9/
TL;DR Thin the binary or find a thinned binary online and apply it to your app for the hack to work.