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    iPhone SE
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    bob's house
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    having ebola

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  1. Requested Award: Member for 1 year, Member for 2 years, Member for 3 years Proof: My profile @DiDA
  2. I've been doing so trash in math lately, actually weird :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dannyyy


      You’re telling me you take all those math courses simultaneously 

    3. TheArmKing


      idk how the US System goes but here in Southeast asia we have all topics from trignometry to graphs, algebra porbability geometry everything

    4. Dannyyy


      In order to graduate from most high schools, there are these requirements called the GED req and it involves things like 4 years of English classes 3 years of math, 3 years science, 2 years social studies 2 years Phys Ed. Stuff like that. So in your 4 years of high school you take the classes you need and once you complete a certain requirement, you can fill that class with elective classes

      Elective classes are usually just “extras”. Always the computer class, art class, robotics class, Advanced Placement classes

    5. TheArmKing


      Damn, so in 9 and 10 we have 8 subjects, then in 11 and 12 its down to 6 i think so. I gotta take 3 High Level and 3 low level in 11 & 12. good thing phys ed aint compulsory here, imma score straight C's in it

    6. Dannyyy


      We usually take 6-8 all 4 years 

  3. I’m actually enjoying studying at the library for exams. When you don’t cram and have a few days to prepare it’s pretty peaceful.

    1. Pradeep6868


      I wish I was you :(

    2. Ted2


      Can I scream in your libary

  4. Yes its worth it. But not as necessary or as useful as before for the average user, due to the many upgrades of IOS firmware throughout time. Still very nice to have though. Definitely not for everyone. Sometimes I don't even bother to enable the jailbreak.
  5. It’s my birthday. :)

    1. Pradeep6868


      Happy birthday dude :happydance:

    2. MoneyMcFly


      Happy birthday boy!

    3. Zahir


      Happy bday~ :D 

    4. Juku


      Thanks guys

  6. Expired link @DiDA
  7. Juku


    1. Pradeep6868


      goodie goodie

    2. Joka
    3. Juku


      I agree with that statement

  8. Do you ever just come in your belly button and put sticky tape over it so that the next morning it's hardened and you have a little cookie to feed your cat?

    1. Crimson


      Juku stfu u gay feg

    2. YEAHNAH99


      thank god im not the only one

    3. Joka


      Gaius pls

    4. Kira
  9. It's actually better if you install theos from their github and then pull from his
  10. Wait you cracked it on ios 11? edit:nvm
  11. Nice tut but you need to know some c++ to do this, and pointers in c++ can be complicated
  12. wait a second my bad I thought the title was something else, but why does igmm not work normally on ios 11?
  13. I mean it does there’s literally dpkg as well, guy who made tut didn’t think hard enough
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