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Everything posted by Caroline_

  1. Contact me on KiKBubblebuttz12 And maybe I can
  2. Fresh Modded Bullet Force Accounts coming in tommorow, Infinite Ammo still in progress

  3. Proceeding to feed the community fresh modded Bullet Force Accounts while I work on Infinite Ammo

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Joka


      May I get one pls? :p

    3. Zayza


      I want too;)

    4. Archangel04


      Me too. Hack us all an id for ourselves plz

    5. Archangel04


      if you have enough time, otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    6. Caroline_


      Please read my topic for public accounts as they are listed in my topic for free

  4. Nope sorry You have to do that yourself
  5. Maybe your internet connection?If not try that new account which was freshly made and modded to go into the community
  6. Read my other topic for unlock all guns and Camo And read the title,does it say anything to do with clash of clans or hay day . No
  7. Side wired texts
  8. Yes very,Lucky for me,I am a moderator on Bullet Force
  9. Are these package outdated?
  10. Sorry but I don't know who that is and most of these I found on the bullet forces Twitter pages and some random videos
  11. Very anticipated
  12. Ummm interesting?
  13. Hahahhaha the truth is always the best
  14. It's suited for any version on Andriod and Ios
  15. Commands in chat on bullet force
  16. Hacked App: Bullet Force iTunes Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bullet-force/id1009134067?mt=8&uo=4&at=1010lce4 Bundle ID: com.blayzegames.iosfps UPDATED 12/1/17 I have added Italic Text Command INFORMATION Many users out there in the community and outside off it, played Bullet Force and came across people writing it 'BIG' texts, and you ask yourself "How do I do that?" Well you came to the right place, even though many people knows some command, I decided to upload all at once on this topic. What are commands you say? Well commands are some codes of texts in which transfer and recieves to the platform to perform a specific command,you can have fun with commands or even go further out with them finding useful data. So I hope you enjoy this topic and read on below Hack Requirements: -Non/Jailbroken Phone -Andriod/Apple -Bullet Force (Latest update) -Knowledge Hack Features: Timescale Command PATCHED Big Text Command PATCHED Italic Text Command Kick Command Ban Command PATCHED Colour Text Command Hack Below: [Hidden Content] Installation Instructions: [Hidden Content] Note: If you have any questions or problems, read our Frequently Asked Questions topic and if you don't find a solution, post your issue down below and I will try my best to help if I ain't to busy killing skids on Bullet Force Credits: @PrincessJayJay @DiDA @Youtube IMPORTANT: For the Commands of "KICK & BAN" these can only be used by Moderators in-game. If you want to know how to become a Moderator, I suppose you go see Bullet Forces homepage somewhere on the internet
  17. I'm still confused?So when you refresh this will mean that you will have unlock all but with a guest account? But you do know that guest accounts has a limit before you have to sign in
  18. No but that video in the thread is a public account from my topic
  19. So you log in your main account and then click the weapons and relog?
  20. @@Grizzly shots Make sure you put Account on the topic name and write down its a public account or people will get confused
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