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Everything posted by Ted2

  1. You have iOS device But I'll work on it $1Million tho
  2. Idk, I don’t do android hacks so I don’t feel like fixing it
  3. Few mistakes in code, will fix when I get on my pc. If stuck with errors just tell me
  4. That's why you didn't reply to my question in DM
  5. Ever hacked a game, but everything was linked to the enemy? Well, in this topic you'll learn multiple ways to unlink it. Before this tutorial, I suggest you to read through this topic by @shmoo: https://iosgods.com/topic/65529-instance-variables-and-function-pointers/ NOTE: I assume you know how to hook functions, since this is necessarily for unlinking. In the examples you'll see something called "getRealOffset", this is used to defeat the ASLR. Put this code on top of your tweak.xm so you can make use of it: uint64_t getRealOffset(uint64_t offset){ return _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(0) + offset; } Unlinking using functions [Hidden Content] Unlinking using variables [Hidden Content] Some notes: - I know all of you use functions to mod, like get_health, get_damage etc, most likely there's also a variable for them which is easier to use in a Update() function if it exists. - Some function take more "inputs" for example: get_health(int something, void somethingelse).. you need to include these in your hooks (add "void *instance" at the beginning then) - I suggest you to copy all the codes into a editor & add the C++ syntax, this will make it more readable That's it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me (mention me in the comments) & I'll try & help you! Credits: - @shmoo for his tutorial on function pointers & variables - @Joey for writing this tutorial.
  6. My current substrate on Android crashes. Need to fix

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ted2


      WHAT 😂 

    3. Pradeep6868


      You’re novice rank is gone bro

    4. Ted2


      Duhhh I removed my hacks by accident

    5. JJward2344


      Soooo you’re not leaving ??

    6. Ted2


      Me leaving? xD nah idk what tbat means

  8. DiDA will give u when he's online
  9. How am I supposed to give u vip if u already have
  10. ENDED First to reply gets jailbroken vip for one month do not reply if you're not jailbroken or are vip, thx
  11. Ted2

    Empty your messages, I can't send you one :mad:

  12. Don’t turn it on for now. However for me it isn’t linked, I can still kill enemies but just with my normally damage. edit: I gave DiDA new code, I hope that fixes the God Mode issue.
  13. The "Kill All" says in description (long press): Enable when in battle. Currently I've this issue where if "God Mode" is enabled (I have 2 ways to do god mode), the Custom Damage doesn't work at all. For me however, the God Mode is not linked anywhere(not in Battle, not in Co-Ops), so I'm not sure why it is for you? About the other features, I've no clue. DiDA just asked me to unlink OHK & GodMode because Ai no attack was patched (& still doesn't work on Co-Ops, right?)
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