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Everything posted by Kilmnar

  1. The StoreKit can sometimes be found in the executables (the first tab) but all of this is for nothing. Flex is outdated & only works on broken games with next to no security. theres currently only two methods of “hacking” the iap. Localiap utilizes one method & iapcrazy utilizes the other. If neither way can be done(nor changing permissions from possible hooking) it’s currently impossible sorry
  2. If you’ve loaded cydia & you have plenty of sources but they appear to have been deleted....this quick fix is for you. This can happen for several reasons but for now let’s focus on solutions not preventions. So let’s get into it: [Hidden Content] Enjoy!
  3. Oh yea...you’ll have to try to get one of the cheaters like angel, absolut1on, laxus, etc may wanna find their names to tag them zozo quit again & I broke jtool2 on my phone. Sorry we couldn’t help
  4. Turns out he was downloading an outdated tweak/deb hack for an app from Cydia. nothing really to explain... *solved*
  5. Adding you now. When a solution is found I’ll be posting it here.
  6. spacer.png

    theres a secret hidden here...

  7. I have no idea what the issue could be. Have you been successful opening before with port 23?
  8. No problem! I’m no expert but I used to do graphics for self publishers, old signatures etc etc if you ever want to bounce ideas I got you. Keep in mind it may be dated...but still effective I’m old
  9. This isn’t my Batman profile background but I’m taking it! Love it! did you create the background by hand or render another picture? If you don’t like how your color schemes work you can always play with the layer types a bit more. like how you made the city foggy you could’ve used a more unique brush, multiplied a dark layer & played with the opaque/transparency to give it a heavy feel but thin look etc still love it!
  10. Do you have discord? If not I’ll make a step by step thing with pictures for you when I can in here. but after you add the repo to need to install the two things I listed.
  11. I finally Installed jtools2 my old ass forgets the simplest commands and the other method didn’t work oddly. I’ll figure it out though
  12. If you’ve received this message while installing Theos & trying to run it, then you’re in the right place! We will clear this error up faster than my ex-wife cleared my pride! Requirements: (We will be using Filza in the tutorial) Any File Management App Thats it! Lets get to it: [Hidden Content] Credit: @Error.(thanks for helping) Enjoy!
  13. Read this VERY carefully. If this fails there’s a link to make a support ticket at the bottom of the guide....again read it CAREFULLY
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