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Everything posted by Rook

  1. If it crashes upon activating the cheat, that means the hack needs updating for the latest Cydia Substrate.
  2. Hello, I haven't found a correct way at the moment. Regardless of how they're signed, they will still crash with the crash logs saying it's codesigning related. I *think* we just need to wait for Unc0ver team to update something considering the same exact dylib works on Unc0ver iOS 12 Jailbreak.
  3. Hello, Thank you for creating a proper support topic and providing the necessary information. Do you have any crash logs from the app? They're found in Settings - Privacy - Analytics Data - APPBINARYNAME.xxxxx?
  4. We're investigating hack crashes that happen on Unc0ver on iOS 11. If you need/want to use the hacks in the meantime, you can try Electra Jailbreak.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eibfbbjs


      @busmanl30Why is there no template for him?

    3. Yais
    4. Ahmed.87


      Update mobile legends

    5. Rook


      @am93 @Ahmed.87 Mobile Legends should work now.

    6. JarmenKELL2


      Update pubg 11.0

  5. You can alternatively install iOSGods App by pressing the Share icon on the app.iosgods.com page and adding to home screen.
  6. It’s not the best but it’s there for multiple reasons, though it can be improved.
  7. https://iosgods.com/profile/1-dida/?status=24310
  8. Updates will be rolling out really soon. There also seems to be an issue with hacks on iOS 11 Unc0ver which we will be looking into once iOS 12 support is completed.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. JarmenKELL2


      Pubg update please 👏

    3. Victor Mariano

      Victor Mariano

      Pubg update please 👏

    4. Death Dose

      Death Dose

      Thank you for hard working 🌹❤️

    5. Mod.lover


      Thanks for the updates,❤ I can't wait to play The sims Mobile again!

    6. seyit baskan

      seyit baskan

      when update ?? PUBG

  9. Seems like they released a new 1.3.1 update today. I will be updating this for Busman. Hopefully in a few hours.
  10. Are you using Unc0ver with the latest Cydia Substrate?
  11. Do you need to import substrate in Makefile? I think #import <substrate.h> is sufficient?
  12. Have you tried disabling some features to find out what's the problematic one?
  13. It depends on which Jailbreak you're using.
  14. For upgrades you will need to contact me via a PM.
  15. It's a bit complicated, will see if I can simplify it once iOS 12 support is done.
  16. You cannot have 2 subscriptions running. I will refund the Jailbreak one.
  17. This topic was moved from General Cydia to Help & Support.
  18. Unc0ver seems like the go-to one. But even that has issues, especially with hacks at the moment.
  19. Yeah, it's fun being a spectator but not fun when you have to deal with it.
  20. If it doesn't the developer has been constantly updating the tweak to support newest iOS versions, so he might do the same for iOS 12 Jailbreak.
  21. Hello, You have been refunded as you purchased multiple subscriptions under a coupon code which was not allowed.
  22. I think a simple Google Search might give you a 12.1.1 Beta 3 .ipsw file. Yes, but make sure you backup via iTunes first.
  23. All the newest Cydia Substrate versions break hacks. I believe Unc0ver v2 uses Substitute, but it’s likely risky to try and run it on iOS 12.
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