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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Yours works fine by just installing the deb using Filza right? @Asono
  2. Thus the custom amount. So people can use lower values than 65k.
  3. I will re-add these next update hopefully. They wouldn’t be turned off once a value is entered thus the removals.
  4. Is your name "De-Adf.ly" or "Dead Fly"?

    1. Deadfly


      LULLUL its "Dead Fly"

    2. Rook


      Thought you really hated ad links

    3. Deadfly


      I do also really hate ads lol @DiDA

    4. Joka


      @DiDA That's technically advertisement 

    5. Xmez


      @Deadfly can you pm me please? I’m on restricted pm of 1 per day @DiDA told me to contact you about a question I have thank you!

  5. Excited! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CHUNX


      sh!t I hope it benefits Electra hahahaha 

    3. Lord Alucard

      Lord Alucard

      That new menu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

    4. UnboundGodz
    5. Mistaplat


      will my content no longer need to be approved?

    6. Deadfly
  6. Just have some patience, we're working on improving everything while trying to keep up with hack updates and other forum maintenances.
  7. Nope, but it will soon
  8. Far Cry 5 released in 2-3 days :D

    1. bR34Kr
    2. Lord Alucard

      Lord Alucard

      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hopefully its better than the older ones

    3. TheArmKing
    4. Max-Q


      its going to rock

      its going to rock

  9. This hack is now updated to App Store version 1.0.18!
  10. The hack is already active, just ignore the mod menu.
  11. "GameGem V1.3 is released. V1.3 Changelog: Fix cannot connect to scan service on iOS 11.x Fix cannot connect to scan service on iOS 10.3.x" Download: https://github.com/thilong/GameGemPackages
  12. Are you certain it’s a Jailbreak detection and not some tweak you may have installed and outdated for it?
  13. Please read the red note. Make sure the tutorial is completed.
  14. Can you check and see which feature keeps crashing?
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