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Everything posted by Rook

  1. 2 others have reported same issue as you. Perhaps it's linked with something. Can you wait 80s on the popup?
  2. Does PUBG Mobile mess up anyone else's battery?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rook


      @Joka 12btw haHAAA

    3. Kira


      I wanna mess you up. ?

    4. xLuc1ferx


      I started playin at 84%... played pubg arpund 3 to 4 hours.. my battery is at 33% now. #ANDROIDROCKS#IPHONESUCK

    5. Caroline_


      One Game on High Graphics takes around 35% for me

    6. Caroline_


      One Game on High Graphics takes around 35% for me

  3. This is a patcher, so just normal install should work fine. Theoretically.
  4. So it crashes even with everything disabled?
  5. I haven't tested on x32, try disabling some features.
  6. PUBG releasing weapon skins now. Thank god Fortnite came along and sped up their update progress

    1. atiqullahsagzai


      i sure fortnite will do the same thing cause fortnite is copy w**** xD

    2. bR34Kr


      PUBG gambling sites. Oh no

  7. Read our "Posting Guidelines" topic: https://iosgods.com/topic/24798-posting-guidelines/
  8. That's an issue with the game itself and not the hack.
  9. We wish you a warm welcome to iOSGods.com & we hope you enjoy yourself here! Before you start browsing our community and find out what iOSGods has to offer, you should first check out some of our important topics & sections to get yourself familiarized with our community! Community Guidelines - Our forum rules must be read before you do anything else! We don't want you getting warned! Welcome Newcomers! - This topic will briefly explain how our community works and include some useful links for newbies! Forum Announcements - This is where everything important happens. New community updates, news, guidelines, and more! We recommend you give the topics there a read! Help & Support - Questions or problems? Post them there and we'll be able to help you! General Talk - Have something you'd like to talk about? This is where it goes! iOSGods Shoutbox - Once you're logged in to your account and spent some time around the forum, you will be able to access our Shoutbox where you can talk & chat with other members! Each section on iOSGods usually has one or more pinned topics which are quite important regarding the section itself or the contents inside it. Be sure to read those also! That's about it. Enjoy!
  10. Some hack updates may be delayed!

    1. SixShadowsqq


      DiDA, thank you for ur job, update guild of heroes plz

  11. Try launching the game again, it's working fine here.
  12. You basically play with bots at lower levels. Once you rank up, it does get harder.
  13. Coolio! Thanks for the heads up.
  14. It could be both. Try some other tweak.
  15. I will be using Delectra myself and jailbreak again to see if it fixes.
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