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Everything posted by KingRalph

  1. ∞ Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod ∞ -HACK FEATURES- -Watch a video and get Infinite Gems- -DOWNLOAD- [Hidden Content] -INSTRUCTIONS- -DOWNLOAD THE FILE ABOVE- -COPY IT TO YOUR iDEVICE FOR EASIER INSTALLATION- -PASTE IT INSIDE /VAR/MOBILE/DOCUMENTS FOR EASY ACCESS- -OPEN iFILE AND GO TO /VAR/MOBILE/DOCUMENTS- -CLICK ON THE FILE AND HIT INSTALLER- -GO TO SETTINGS AND ENABLE/DISABLE HACK- -ENJOY THE GAME- PROOF -NOTES- This was EXTREMELY easy to code This is proof that hacking isn't super hard. Read some tutorials, hack easy games. You'll be hacking big time games in no time! If you need help with anything ask me! I'll help you out! (Don't take it from me tho. I'm still n00by (-__-') -CREDITS- -ME (KingRalph)-
  2. Profile revamp! Let's celebrate with my 2nd patcher!! With no ad links!

    1. Rook


      No header image? :(


      Why is your skype username same as iSponebob's username? O.o

    2. KingRalph


      I added one. I put my skype name as ispongebob10 because I was a n00by cheat user and I loved his hacks.

    3. castix


      you didn't know so many cheaters huh

    4. Rook


      Damn! Sponge must feel weird now xD:p

    5. KingRalph
  3. @@DiDA I made a code injection hack. But it causes crashes What do I do
  4. Note: for non-jailbroken users, a file transfer tool is required Note: This hack is working on all versions of the app HACK FEATURES & PROOF All penguins unlocked No ads Unlimited fish Unlimited bonus stars INSTRUCTIONS & DOWNLOAD: 1. Click the thanks/like button below 2. Open the app, complete the tutorial/guide then close the app from multitasking 3. Download the files from the link below [Hidden Content] 4. Unzip and then copy and paste the Documents folder using iFile/iFunbox to: /var/mobile/applications/RacePenguin/ GO PLAY
  5. That's a really clever way of avoiding my promotion
  6. this will come in handy when I'm a moderator *ahem* Promote me *ahem*
  7. I'm not entering since I'm getting $40 iTunes for Christmas. Good luck guys! :thumbsup:
  8. I can. Only need an arm to hex converter. Do you know where to find one?
  9. I love you (in the non-gay way) if I go to the hex address in i found in igg, and then use it in code inject. thanks for the idea
  10. I'll use backgrounder to keep it alive in the background. But the problem is finding the original offset in IDA and then in hex. I can only hack on my iPad mini T-T
  11. @@DiDA one more question is there anyway to use GDB without a computer
  12. When i said pure IDA, I didn't mean I would post the hacked binary, I meant I would convert it to ms hook. That way, I don't have to update my hack constantly.Btw, combinig your tar file with the template AirMAX gave is very effective One last question. To find the original hex, do I convert the original command in IDA to hex and put it as the original hex?
  13. I'll just stick to pure IDA. Code injection isn't really worth it
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