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Everything posted by KingRalph

  1. Run this in terminal: otool -tV /var/mobile/BINARYNAME >/var/mobile/Documents/NAME.txt
  2. I hope GDB will work with iOS 8.2 jailbreak. Worked fine on ios 7.1.2 :|
  3. I could help design the ui for you
  4. Could you please be specific about what it should look like?
  5. @@DiDA I'm done I still have to fix the pixelated parts tho
  6. Works fine for me. I don't recommend resizing a very small photo to a big one because it has it's limits. I have used this tool to resize images from 1024x768 to 550x350Even using photoshop to resize my images causes a loss of quality
  7. No need for that Use this: http://www.simpleimageresizer.com/
  8. If you don't know what to do with it, you shouldn't be using it
  9. I made something "godly" http://i.imgur.com/TYIsi5Q.jpg
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