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Everything posted by i0s_tweak3r
Finally have updated Bobby Music Tweak. Hope you guys enjoy it took a lot of work. Fully compatible with all iOS 9-11.x
So I have an updated BobbyMusic tweak ready, (works as Flex patch) but it’s not working as tweak since they swizzle the BundleID. Gotta use Cycript to find real one when I have a chance or more time. Posted update to BobbyMovie though.
Had an issue with my control file not so much the swizzling lol used Cycript, ssh'd in and it said the BundleID was right for BobbyMusic. Rebuilt BobbyMusic tweak and finally got it to do some stuff, then crash lol. That's ok b4 my tweak wasn't doing anything now just have to find where I got it wrong going from huge flex patch to a tweak.
Wow been a while since I used the Bobby Music app. It’s not in the App Store, but you can get it from dtathemes. They stepped up their game with all the anti-adremoval tricks lol. Every thing I tell it to turn off then next method I’m like “it’s on I swear”. ? Think I finally got it done. Just gotta do a lil more testing, compile a fresh copy.. The sound quality is bangin! Like YouTube + Spotify, but you can download all the music. Works with Artsy tweak and LS music controls too. Will try to have it up tonight.
It’s sweet. I didn’t finish making the tweak yet it’s a big amount of text I have to turn into code, and I have work today. The bundle ID is different from dtathemes then if u got it from App Store. Tweak will work for both versions when I finish but it won’t do anything right now the version that is up unless you have App Store version. Will hopefully finish tonight. Working long hours today.
Also have update of Bobby Movie that’s working great in Flex. The version in here works right now but you have to turn off limit ad tracking. I fixed that in Flex and will make that go away with that update and change UIAlert to one that shows on install and never again.
Have first day off in ages tomorrow so will be working on updating some of the tweaks I’ve shared here.
Lol I got banned from on Discord's r/jailbreak, r/jailbreakdevelopers and every other sub-group I was a part of after one minute of chatting in a small piracy group. Funny thing is it wasn't even about piracy. Someone owning a pirate repo was nice enough to ask permission to add some of my tweaks, and to pay me for hosting / maintaining them, and keeping me as author when they could have just modded them anyway without my permission as I don't use DRM and so far have made all my tweaks free.
Smh first Reddit warns me for linking here to a friggen tutorial that I wrote, now I'm banned from discord. They take this anti-piracy crap a little too far. People are going to pirate as long as jailbreaks exist. If you find a pirate that's not a total leech I don't see the issue with having a conversation with them. Discord / Reddit are so stupid. I'm sure I'll be banned from Reddit soon for trying to help someone again or for having tweaks that aren't kosher being hosted on pirate repos.
The tweaks I was offered money to host/maintain tho were 100% kosher and in my beta repo already lmao.