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Everything posted by i0s_tweak3r

  1. Where are u getting that error? From the website or on your device? Need a little more info. This is only for jailbroken devices did you try to use Impactor? This only works with the linked app and linked tweak in hidden. I just redownloaded it and it installed & worked on another device. (iPhone 11.1.2, and tested on 11.3.1)
  2. Note: after updating to substrate with unc0ver jailbreak this stopped working. Going to hack it again to see if I can get it working on unc0ver. App Version 4.0.2 - 4.3.1 (Updated and still working on iOS 11.3.1 1/09/19) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hotspotshield-vpn-wifi-proxy/id443369807?mt=8 Mod Requirements: - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - iFile / Filza / iFunBox / iTools or any other file managers for iOS. - Cydia Substrate (from Cydia). Hack Features: - Unlimited Free VPN - All Countries Unlocked (there’s a lot) - Premium Speed - Good for one year, as long App isn’t patched or you don’t update - All JB devices compatible from 11.0-11.x - Should work on iOS 9-10 as well, just got a working report for iOS 10. Important that install instructions are followed in order or it won’t work. Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ Hack Download Link: [Hidden Content] Installation Instructions: STEP 1: Install the app from App Store. Open app, install VPN profile, and connect once BEFORE installing the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. STEP 2: Copy the file over to your iDevice using any of the file managers mentioned above or skip this step if you're downloading from your iDevice. STEP 3: Using iFile or Filza, browse to where you saved the downloaded .deb file and tap on it. STEP 4: Once you tap on the file, you will then need to press on 'Installer' or 'Install' from the options on your screen. STEP 5: Let iFile / Filza finish the hack installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below. STEP 6: Enjoy freemium VPN. Don’t update to a newer app version until you know it still works with this tweak / hack. NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - i0s_tweak3r -Made for iosgods member that requested it, only to find out this is too new. ? (he needs lower app version for iOS 8; hopefully someone can link a thread for a lower version that’ll help him.) Hack Screenshots Speed Test from Canadian Server iOS 10 working report...
  3. Make SURE you download Appsync from official repo. It’s free, and the wrong version can cause bootloops, at least in the past it has. Get it from repo: http://cydia.angelxwind.net but don’t use it for piracy Mmmkay? ? Edit: Actually lol I just noticed I have it installed from AppCake source, same version number as Karen’s last update. I guess either is fine. You’re probably safer using Karen’s repo tho. I might reinstall that from hers. I know I started with hers installed. That’s weird. So AppCake repo version is working on 11.3.1....I have official repo on all my other devices, including 11.1.2 device.
  4. One Million Hell’s Yeah!! I’ve been sending people here especially since my “pirate” repo was banned. Wish I was posting more just been busy maintaining the tweaks I have shared here and developing new ones for 11.3.1 jailbreak.
  5. Finally have updated Bobby Music Tweak. Hope you guys enjoy it took a lot of work. Fully compatible with all iOS 9-11.x


  6. So I have an updated BobbyMusic tweak ready, (works as Flex patch) but it’s not working as tweak since they swizzle the BundleID. Gotta use Cycript to find real one when I have a chance or more time.  Posted update to BobbyMovie though. 

    1. i0s_tweak3r


      Had an issue with my control file not so much the swizzling lol used Cycript, ssh'd in and it said the BundleID was right for BobbyMusic. Rebuilt BobbyMusic tweak and finally got it to do some stuff, then crash lol. That's ok b4 my tweak wasn't doing anything now just have to find where I got it wrong going from huge flex patch to a tweak.

    2. Oxytyramine


      Just use the Executables instead of the bundle id and you’ll be all good.

  7. Wow been a while since I used the Bobby Music app. It’s not in the App Store, but you can get it from dtathemes. They stepped up their game with all the anti-adremoval tricks lol. Every thing I tell it to turn off then next method I’m like “it’s on I swear”. ? Think I finally got it done.  Just gotta do a lil more testing, compile a fresh copy.. The sound quality is bangin! Like YouTube + Spotify, but you can download all the music.  Works with Artsy tweak and LS music controls too.  Will try to have it up tonight.

    1. Laxus


      Sound like a good app, can't wait to try it out

    2. i0s_tweak3r


      It’s sweet. I didn’t finish making the tweak yet it’s a big amount of text I have to turn into code, and I have work today. The bundle ID is different from dtathemes then if u got it from App Store. Tweak will work for both versions when I finish but it won’t do anything right now the version that is up unless you have App Store version.  Will hopefully finish tonight. Working long hours today.

      Also have update of Bobby Movie that’s working great in Flex. The version in here works right now but you have to turn off limit ad tracking. I fixed that in Flex and will make that go away with that update and change UIAlert to one that shows on install and never again.

    3. ddkrnn2


      Please hack vsco x new version full unclok jailbroken ?


  8. Have first day off in ages tomorrow so will be working on updating some of the tweaks I’ve shared here.  

    1. Ted2


      What's your job

    2. Rook


      Dealing with assholes online LUL

    3. Ted2


      Like all members of your forum

  9. Yeah I know, there’s an old terminal tool I want to get running on iOS 11 and I had same error. Couldn’t figure out which theos related binary had same issues, but I got it working finally. Maybe now I can just build from 11 and it will be good.
  10. I hate all of u that have it working lmao..been messing with different tutorials and errors for 2 days, even with Jakes version. Keep getting “Killed 9” when trying to run nic.pl. Think it’s from the extra profiles and remnants of previous installs? I’ve ssh’d in and installed, done it with NewTerm, going nuts. Just uninstalled and reinstalled bunch of stuff hope I finally get it. Edit: Finally got it. Had to delete and reinstall bunch of stuff. Happy I can develop on my daily driver again. ?
  11. I'll get around to it soon. Have a lot on my plate at the moment wanted to just get rid of ads first after freaking out the tweak stopped working on new jailbreak.
  12. It got banned around when I added the first version of this tweak. I might look around for an alternate place to host tweaks I can't put in my developer/ beta repo. I've been talking to one person who I'll keep anonymous, who has a decent low-key repo, maybe he can help. Also, I noticed Kiimo was hosting the original version of this, and he seems to get a lot of content from this site. I'll post a repo link if I hear it's in one. I'm gonna wait until I have a better version with more then just ad removal before reaching out to anyone tho. For now I'm happy just having the ads gone, and sharing it here. I don't know what's up with that?? The first white box was bold text saying it was the 11.3 version. I edited the hidden and added 2nd link to another hosting site tho and there's no white box for that one. ?
  13. Only tested on 8+ on 11.3.1, but it does. You have to turn it on in settings first tho. If ur on 11.0-11.1.2 you can use either version of tweak. It was faster with other options on(Electrified version). Gonna add them to new one when I get a chance after seeing what changed.
  14. I’ll take a look. Started from scratch since when I tried old version nothing loaded originally, so going to add little by little to it making sure each part works. That feature should be fairly easy tho I’ll add it to my to-do list. It’s weird Electrified version worked on 11.1.2 and not 11.3.1.... still have it on my 6+, made new version since screen resolution is so much better on my 8+ on 11.3.1. They’ve updated the app so many times since first making the tweak better off anyway starting over.
  15. Sure when I get off work, I’ll Upload to a different site for you and anyone else with issues with Mega. You could try using a VPN and change countries also, maybe that’ll work. Used to have a repo I could put it in, but it got banned.
  16. Made simple new version for iOS 11.2-11.3.1 jailbreak just ad remover. Will eventually work on other features for Electrified version but for now it’s just called MovieBox4AdRemover. New link in hidden, 24kb size....
  17. Do you mean Cydia Impactor? You have to use that to side-load apps onto non-jailbroken devices, besides Xcode. Impactor is simpler, free and available for PC and Mac.
  18. I'm guessing you don't need to know how to make an app, unless maybe the dylib gets added in by making an app using Theos then converted into an .ipa. I'm pretty sure it's simpler tho. (Maybe Xcode is required which I'm working on adding a virtual version to my PC....really wishing I had a Mac because I'd be jailbroken already with multi_path exploit.)
  19. Lol I got banned from on Discord's r/jailbreak, r/jailbreakdevelopers and every other sub-group I was a part of after one minute of chatting in a small piracy group. Funny thing is it wasn't even about piracy. Someone owning a pirate repo was nice enough to ask permission to add some of my tweaks, and to pay me for hosting / maintaining them, and keeping me as author when they could have just modded them anyway without my permission as I don't use DRM and so far have made all my tweaks free.

    Smh first Reddit warns me for linking here to a friggen tutorial that I wrote, now I'm banned from discord. They take this anti-piracy crap a little too far. People are going to pirate as long as jailbreaks exist. If you find a pirate that's not a total leech I don't see the issue with having a conversation with them. Discord / Reddit are so stupid. I'm sure I'll be banned from Reddit soon for trying to help someone again or for having tweaks that aren't kosher being hosted on pirate repos. 

    The tweaks I was offered money to host/maintain tho were 100% kosher and in my beta repo already lmao. 

    1. Cycas


      They can kys, they all use piracy in secret lmao

    2. i0s_tweak3r


      Thats the funniest part! Apparently wasnt banned on Reddit (yet)  just the Reddit subs on Discord.

    3. GodKingThoth


      f*** em. I banged the /r/trees top mod and got banned. Discord is for lames anyway

  20. I noticed when side loading a game cheat the dylib for the cheat was added as part of the process, which I assumed was the case. I bought a new device somewhat recently that I decided to use as my daily driver but would love to add some tweaks to certain apps, especially ones already available but with tons of ads. I know this is a really stupid question, but is it just a matter of extracting the payload of cracked app and adding it to a particular location or is it more involved, like adding a mod telling the binary to load it? Also second unrelated question- I've been thoroughly enjoying having a developer account and want to make sure it doesn't get banned / have all side-loaded apps revoked. As long as I'm the only one adding apps, do I need to worry about adding game cheats and other cracked apps to an unjailbroken device using my developer account for the provisioning profile or as long as it's not being widely distributed should I be fine? I do have several Apple hosts blocked with an adblocker, including oscp.apple.com, just not positive if it blocks it when using a separate VPN so my ISP doesn't detect piracy.
  21. I said it elsewhere, but I friggen love you @shmoo!! You're the best. This is just the distraction I needed while waiting for a new jailbreak to drop. My iOS 8, 9, and 10 devices are having simultaneous orgasms right now. ?
  22. i got so many curious which this is edit; only tried bobby movie and got impactor error on ios 11.3.1 incompatibility with API
  23. Always interested in seeing other ways ppl hack.
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