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Everything posted by Ted2

  1. yes, it should show up in the settings of the game you injected it. The settings where you also could disable notifications of it.
  2. Cool you went back to college! Hope it will turn out great!
  3. Encrypt it, or I think you can also add something to your makefile. But not sure what it was to hide such things
  4. there’s no specific time, cause it’s not guaranteed requests are filled. 95% isn’t being filled
  5. you’ll need to bypass there DRM, which is well build.
  6. I heard "NoSub" fixes the issue.
  7. oh oh, what have I done this time? xD 

    1. Joka


      Now you know why i said "get f***ed"

    2. Ted2


      oh lmao nice xD 

  8. open IPA as zip & then drag the modded binary & click “yes replace”
  9. that hack is outdated (its mine) & it will likely crash the game.
  10. R7 = high value in armv7 X23/29 - W23/29 = high value in arm64 Most tutorials are *outdated* as in 32bit hacking
  11. Why would you remove the arm64 portion of a binary? Every device nowadays runs arm64.
  12. as I’ve said earlier, you copied it from a web. There are now hidden characters, which you can not see. Rewrite the ifgetpreffbool line.
  13. Yes, substrate works fine on android & also see: https://github.com/MJx0/KittyMemory/tree/master/Android
  14. The errors from your video are there because you copied-pasted the answer from either Zahir or Joka.
  15. You copied - pasted from a website to your tweak.xm. Now there are hidden ASCI characters. select all on tweak.xm & remove. Then properly re-write it.
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