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Everything posted by Rook

  1. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  2. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  3. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  4. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  5. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. K_K


      Ahhh buffalo soldier ;)

    3. Amir0121


      after smoking mari, u listen it :))

    4. OLD_WOLF


      Update critical ops 

    5. Dannyyy


      There’s always that one guy^


    6. Mod.lover


      Just saw Iosgods app and see it updated, @DiDA you are an Angel 👼😍😍❤️❤️🤗🤗



  6. Jailbroken is highly suggested but not very necessary. Just your life will be much harder if you're not Jailbroken.
    1. Terry78


      What’s is the revoke app?

    2. Terry78


      Iol. I figure it out. Thank you for the info. Great info

    3. OLD_WOLF


      Please update critical ops please 

  7. Updated! Now supports Unc0ver on iOS 11.
  8. This hack is now updated to App Store version 1.73!
  9. This hack is now updated to App Store version 1.73!
  10. Hello, That's not stuck, that means the installation is complete. Try opening the app now. Also, be aware of this: https://iosgods.com/topic/89945-iosgods-hacks-the-new-cydia-substrate-update-ios-12-jailbreak/
  11. Has it undergone an update for iOS 12 or does it just work since iOS 11?
  12. This topic was moved from Golf Clash Discussions to Golf Clash Help & Support.
  13. If you're Jailbroken, yes. Use the Mod Menu.
  14. Hello, Are you using Unc0ver? If yes, try re-jailbreaking with the latest update and tick the option to reinstall Cydia & OpenSSH.
  15. I updated Mobile Legends again. Please download the new update.
  16. This hack is now updated to App Store version 6.680.680! Updated with iOS 11 & iOS 12 Unc0ver Jailbreak Support! Thanks to @DanYal!
  17. This hack is now updated to App Store version 2.2.0! Updated with iOS 11 & iOS 12 Unc0ver Jailbreak Support! Thanks to @DanYal!
  18. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  19. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  20. This looks weird
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