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Everything posted by Rook

  1. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  2. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  3. Hello, Please refer to this topic:
  4. Hello, Sounds like the hack in question has not been updated to support the latest Cydia Substrate update. You can overcome/fix this by using Electra instead. Or wait for the author to update the hack.
  5. That's the problem we're trying to avoid. Too many people are using it and it's causing slow speeds for everyone involved.
  6. Open the iOSGods Guy from in-game, the red icon. And enable Free IAP.
  7. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  8. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  9. Please see: https://iosgods.com/topic/96720-can’t-download-apps-from-iosgods/
  10. Right now, you can download apps normally. Removed the restriction.
  11. It’s very easy! I don’t know why some people find it hard to follow these simple steps.
  12. Hello, As see on the PUBG iOSGods App page, the version there is 0.10.0. And the latest version of PUBG is 0.12.0. Which means the hack is currently outdated.
  13. Hello, There are too many people downloading from the app right now which is making everything slower for everyone involved. Because of that, we're forced to limit who can use the app right now. In order to use the app during this state, you need to not be a "Newbie" on the community, iOSGods.com. In order to do so, make a few posts, participate in some conversations, etc. Alternatively, you can just purchase ViP and skip all the above.
  14. Hello, There are too many people downloading from the app right now which is making everything slower for everyone involved. Because of that, we're forced to limit who can use the app right now. In order to use the app during this state, you need to not be a "Newbie" on the community, iOSGods.com. In order to do so, make a few posts, participate in some conversations, etc. Alternatively, you can just purchase ViP and skip all the above.
  15. Hello, Thank you for creating a proper support topic. There are too many people downloading from the app right now which is making everything slower for everyone involved. Because of that, we're forced to limit who can use the app right now. If you want to use the app during this state, you need to not be a "Newbie" on the community, iOSGods.com. In order to do so, make a few posts, participate in some conversations, post helpful topics, etc. Alternatively, you can just purchase ViP and skip all the above. Read our "How to get Promoted on iOSGods" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/3477-how-to-get-promoted-on-iosgods/. Please do not create spam and useless posts. You will get warned for doing so. We will work on improving the app infrastructure so that we do not have to use this limitation again.
  16. Hello, There are too many people downloading from the app right now which is making everything slower for everyone involved, because of that, we're forced to limit who can use the app right now. In order to use the app during this state, you need to not be a "Newbie" on the community, iOSGods.com. In order to do so, make a few posts, participate in some conversations, etc. Alternatively, you can just purchase ViP and skip all the above.
  17. You need to have a few more posts to be considered as a member and not a newbie. We do not specify the exact value to prevent people from spamming.
  18. Locked This topic is now closed to further replies.
  19. If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you do not, you’ll find an excuse.

    1. OLD_WOLF
    2. NarutoKyuubiUzumaki
    3. Abo0d


      When to update pubg non-jailbreak

    4. khanhnhoc_mtv


      When to update pubg non-jailbreak? long tiime ti wait

  20. I think Gangstar Vegas has anti-cheat detections. A feature could possibly be triggering it, such as unlimited currency.
  21. What is the issue here exactly? You've done a poor job at explaining it. Are you unable to login? What's the error?

    1. p0tat0ez


      PUBG app doesn't work! 

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