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Everything posted by Rook

  1. You need to play the game a bit before doing this.
  2. You mean the popup credits or game credits? No, you can't do that.
  3. I will but you gotta use the report button next time.
  4. That usually happens when the tweak.xm isn't properly done or when the SDK is executed wrong. Did you extract the SDK using iFile? And if you have anymore questions about making tweaks, create a support topic or PM me for help.
  5. Rook


    I believe we all did.
  6. It's usually in /var/mobile or /var/mobile/Documents or /var/root/ If only we had a virtual iOS like bluestacks to accompany it
  7. On which part of the tutorial did you get this error?
  8. Of course not but it's easier to edit the Tweak.xm file with Notepad++ rather than iPhone's small keyboard.
  9. Very helpful! Great job! :thumbsup:
  10. Yeah, we've all suffered from that.
  11. Gameplayer because it's free.
  12. The code can be obtained using IDA cheating method. What does it make then?
  13. Since you bought it, contact the dev and ask him why this happens. He'll be able to help more.
  14. Not bad. I understand it but never used Cygwin to compile before Great job! Keep it up! Pinned.
  15. Updated Tutorial: Here's a video I made for anyone which wants to start making iOS tweaks: New tutorial on how to install theos: http://iosgods.com/topic/4855-tutorial-how-to-install-theos-dependencies-on-your-idevice-2015/ Requirements: - Cydia - Jailbreak - This repo: http://coolstar.org/publicrepo/ - iOS Toolchain - Darwin CC Tools - git - MobileTerminal - Apple File Conduit "2" (to transfer the zipped SDK to your iDevice) - iFile/Filza (to extract the zipped SDK) - Perl (from CoolStar's repo) - 10 minutes of your time The code that needs to be run in terminal (you can also do this using PuTTy on PC) cd /var && git clone git://github.com/coolstar/theos.git If you need a download link for the SDK then PM me. To start a new project, run: /var/theos/bin/nic.pl EDIT: CoolStar's repo has changed to: http://coolstar.org/publicrepo/ EDIT2: If you get the "first argument to `word' function must be greater than 0. Stop." error, you need to do the following on your 64bit device (iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Mini Retina). Go to /var/theos/makefiles/targets/ and rename the "Darwin-arm" folder to "Darwin-arm64" Next go to /var/theos/makefiles/platform/ and rename "Darwin-arm.mk" to "Darwin-arm64.mk"
  16. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    You become admin 409
  17. Rook

    Count to 4,000

    ahahahah we wait for 500 401
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