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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Can you use that Cydia version to Remove ASLR from your computer running Windows/Mac/Linux? Or even your Android phone if you have one?
  2. That's what I'm saying. Use Zahir's. Or downgrade Cydia Substrate to use castix's.
  3. Guys, this is a showoff of the IGMM which is for Brave Frontier. And like previous Brave Frontier hacks by iOSGods, there will be a FREE & a ViP Version. But you know, ViP will come first then the free one.
  4. I visited them yesterday and their website was down. Now today, there's this.
  5. If you visit Myrepospace.com right now, all you get is a screen saying "It was fun.". Is it gone for good or does anyone know anything I/we don't?
  6. Your account is already validated. Confirmation emails are disabled currently.
  7. Only for this project or on others too? And you shouldn't comment that line out. We could have solved the first error and the 2nd error might be because of the line you commented out?
  8. Screenshots: Video:
  9. This tutorial will guide you on using the Thin Binary + Remove ASLR feature from Binary Tools Online. Go ahead and select your binary file, also make sure your binary doesn't have any special characters such as a - or it will not work. Now go to Binary Tools Online.Browse for the binary file you wish to remove aslr from and select the option Thin + Remove ASLR then click "Go". Now we wait for the binary to upload, this may take some time depending on the size of the binary and your upload speed. Now once is done, the page will refresh and a new button should appear labeled "Thinned + ASLR Removed" now go ahead and click that and the binary will start downloading. Now go ahead and place the binary back into your iDevice and make sure permissions are set to 777 Now place the binary into your apps folder, overwrite the old one if necessary and enjoy your binary that has ASLR removed and thinned if it was a binary containing an ARM64 portion. Thank to for the tutorial!
  10. I don't have an Android to test sadly.
  11. Why was I expecting a tutorial on how to make an actual planet? The end result looks Fabulous Gogg!
  12. Well, do you want it for looks or do you want a hack that works? Lol + someone posted a DIY on hoe to hnlock characters.
  13. @ Did you solve this?
  14. We added a new option to Binary Tools Online which Removes ASLR from an iOS Binary. As the name implies, this option will Remove ASLR/PIE from the uploaded binary. If your uploaded binary is FAT and you have selected the "Thin Binary" option and the "Remove ASLR" option too, it will thin the binary then remove ASLR from the thinned binary. If your binary is already thinned or you want to remove ASLR from ARMv7 and ARM64 then simply select the Remove ASLR option. This is an online tool so it will support every OS as long as it has a browser and you have an internet connection. You can try the new ASLR removal option here: http://armconverter.com/binarytools/
  15. You should make a support topic with the error.
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