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Everything posted by alexbaas

  1. Now I'm trying to setup this bot: https://iosgods.com/topic/14996-cheat-hay-day-accelerate-bot-advice/ But at step 6: http://hayday.nikitty.ru/en/ios/step.php?step=6 I get stuck when I fill the login data in, I get this error: https://gyazo.com/c1960bd1db9d48cadf5f50c4b79bafbc Now this is the login data: Client -> Server 00000000: 27 75 00 01 72 00 00 'u..r.. 00000000: 0a 65 31 37 f0 ad 73 b2 cd da 8d 27 ef 52 47 0d 59 46 ee 6a 4e 82 95 a8 52 b3 b6 2d 8d db 2f 47 .e17..s....'.RG.YF.jN...R..-../G 00000020: bc 9c 1c f7 83 f6 8f da 66 4f ec cd 3b a4 6c cb 66 b1 18 4a c3 4f 60 e2 0e 30 f3 b4 e4 35 c2 97 ........fO..;.l.f..J.O`..0...5.. 00000040: 0b 00 75 ca 3d 1a 2e 15 88 39 7d d5 3d 3c 01 fc 62 de cb ae 69 32 d6 2f 08 46 01 41 0f 2c 1d 9b ..u.=....9}.=<..b...i2./.F.A.,.. 00000060: a5 3b 43 87 81 6a 66 dd 35 3d 39 e6 e2 b3 e5 5a 0d d8 dc 68 13 61 e1 bb c9 51 21 d2 05 2e 70 07 .;C..jf.5=9....Z...h.a...Q!...p. 00000080: ea 9d 80 e5 8f 63 e3 49 04 f5 c2 c2 15 c5 0f 0c 74 c0 bd ec 50 c9 61 e5 9e 3b ed 9b 81 e2 ea a2 .....c.I........t...P.a..;...... 000000a0: 6b 15 5f 9e 8e da f1 49 d1 0e ea 56 b0 be c5 ea cc c2 fd 7c 8d a8 37 2e ed d5 42 b6 00 fd eb 9b k._....I...V.......|..7...B..... 000000c0: 22 7d ec 08 65 53 86 8b 61 a7 6a b8 eb 18 a3 10 c0 00 fd ea 65 3b 63 40 48 12 f4 09 0e 8c fe 50 "}..eS..a.j.........e;[email protected] 000000e0: 9d 41 4a a0 de 19 0c 80 26 55 ac 5f 50 f9 98 8c bd 2a 3f 6c 64 67 ab 50 16 65 ba 2e cd 1e 1c 8a .AJ.....&U._P....*?ldg.P.e...... 00000100: 0b 1c 96 b5 41 8b f9 3e 86 44 90 d5 4c c8 66 4b 77 38 5e fa 94 5a 45 a2 d5 f6 98 ec 4d 6a 8b c7 ....A..>.D..L.fKw8^..ZE.....Mj.. 00000120: 16 b9 c4 62 91 92 50 7a 00 fd fc 75 03 b9 ae ec ac 4d f8 67 d4 7e b4 12 16 e0 70 09 bc 0e b5 ad ...b..Pz...u.....M.g.~....p..... 00000140: 52 aa 68 2e 0d 02 5e 29 0e 0e 68 c6 78 cb cb 11 6c dd ea ef 38 9d bc 26 16 82 ba fb c3 dd d1 a5 R.h...^)..h.x...l...8..&........ 00000160: 91 6f 19 c2 e9 eb 35 6f e6 02 4e a2 8f 90 df e9 9a 9d .o....5o..N....... Can someone please edit the login data so it is correct? Thanks!
  2. Anyone know about the new Netflix security protocol already?

  3. Now, I'm a huge fan of movies and here is my list of apps that stream movies and some can even download movies, no JB is required. [Hidden Content] Now hit that like button if you are not a leecher!
  4. Growing faster and bigger already than IC, never thought that would happen! After iah (the legit old one) was taken down IG came in!
  5. Thabks, the other gAmplayers are giving me an error
  6. @@DiDA Lol your Admin of this site, let's buy a new iPhone for you (or buy one yourself )
  7. What accounts should I crack?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NitroxicDemon
    3. DanYal
    4. alexbaas


      @Asir i know but not taking the risk anymore... Friend of mine had a black car in front of his house after cracking AND REFUNDING and other methods with Amazon accounts...

    5. Srau


      @alexbaas Well cracking amazon accounts is a troublesome business if you're not careful, refunding is ok but I only refund when Amazon ships the order.

  8. Some are free and some are paid btw!

  9. Skype me: alexbaas3 ---> for Netflix, Origin and PSN accounts! Request can be made :D! (Or PM)

  10. Today it is illuminatie day!!! 9+10=21 2+1=3 a pyramid has 3 sides, illuminaties symbol is a pyramid so ILLUMINATIE CONFIRMED
  11. Lol Peanut S and Do IOSGods have a channel, could mkae one xD

    1. Rook
    2. Rook


      How can you understand that? :o


      What's a video team? :3

    3. alexbaas


      Peanuts + iosgods= Videoteam. EASY AND LOGICAL

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