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Status Updates posted by Oxytyramine

  1. Any tips for a diet for getting slim? Im doing Insanity Workout currently and today is my first day, i have done all the exercises for today and waiting for tomorrow :D i really want to lose fat really fast i want to lose nearly 10KG's this WEEK! Please pm me if you have any tips :)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Wizly26


      Drink water for a week only water

    3. adiaz3686


      Bro try not to eat any junk food and even though it's healthy try to have portioned meals to controll how much food you eat. Also drink a lot of water. I recommend up to 2 litres a day. Good luck to you mate

    4. adiaz3686


      Also I started with instantly workout and with commitment I got great results

    5. Oxytyramine


      can u pm me ur pic of before and after workouts please? so i can keep it up

    6. NitroxicDemon
  2. I cant be online for a week bcs my grandfather got died tonight ;( :( RIP big daddy

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DZ Hicham
    3. Naeemjr


      Seriously u grandfather passed away instead of being sad u are posting a status

    4. Naeemjr


      Seriously u grandfather passed away instead of being sad u are posting a status

    5. Oxytyramine


      that was 1 month ago and now you remembered me him...

  3. can i get 5 stars rating on my profile? :p

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cu_rry


      can i get 5 kleptos

    3. FafoWithMatar


      No screenz. No

    4. mitosis


      F1reCub3s, I feel you are desperate...1 star, 2 star, 3 star, what matters is you. We love you for who you are, not how many stars you got.

    5. cu_rry
    6. Oxytyramine
  4. Shoutbox banned for the first time in my life... Thank you iosgods, got banned bcs of saying my feelings about f***ing school...!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rook


      Banned without a proper reason?

    3. mitosis


      Don't tell castix I snitched please

    4. 1Jakey


      You better hide your kids and hide your wife cus castix gonna find you

    5. Kizzy


      lol jakey

  5. Ramadan: The reason is not to make you hungry or thirsty its to make you feel how the poor people live :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mitosis


      What are the "?" Emotes? I can't see em on my phone or desktop :(

    3. Rook


      lol virus

    4. DanYal
    5. Oxytyramine


      iOS Emojies, i meant :clap: for mity

    6. mitosis
  6. Hello guys, just wanted to tell u i wont be hacking anymore till an unknown time because my pc and hard drive is broken and i won't fix it for now, i'll buy a new pc after school after that i'll continue :) , anyway thanks for everything iOSGods.com!

  7. When i ask the door to close, it doesn't close :(

  8. Hello guys, so in 2/29 my midterm exam stars and i need to study hard. I will not be online much and will not make any hacks till i finish this f***ing exams :(

    1. Oxytyramine
    2. 2nDimension


      You have exams, wow in the U.S. We only have test and quizzes,... But I've lived in two diff counties so I know the pain of having exams... DO WELL !!! Get dem A's

  9. Sorry guys i'll be online rarely this 2 weeks cos i have midterm exams i have to study hard to get high marks :) thanks!

  10. 8 days left from school and i will finish exams :OO i cant be online untill 5/25

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rook
    3. abidfaster


      Good Luck for ur exam :)

    4. Oxytyramine


      Abid don't you think you are a bit late? Also thanks

    5. abidfaster


      I just saw it today :)


    1. Alyce


      It was good, but can't see them getting any further with their current injuries to the team.

    2. Klepto
  12. 2 more months and 1 year since i joined this incredible forum i really appreciate everythings i learnt from this forum thanks to everyone Especially @DIDA :) thanks again!

    1. Rook


      Thanks for being a part of our community! :)

    2. Oxytyramine


      Ur welcome and thanks to you :)

    3. TheChief


      stfu u b**ch
























    4. Dvoiding


      lol same with me

  13. I'm back for 11 days holiday :pppppp

    1. FuroowHD



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