Heyya! let’s just get into the tutorial...
1st. Add this repo to cydia: repo.bingner.com and if there are packages that are asking for updates, update them
2nd. Install CA Certs, cURL, Rsync, Git, iOS Toolchain (LLVM+Clang, LD64, ldid and Make), Perl (FROM SBINGNER’s REPO! cos you might have Perl from coolstar's repo too...) libcompress... and libiocompress... from the same repo.
3rd. now everything is fixed and the only thing you need to do is install theos and set it up!
HOW to install theos?
first: add these 2 lines to
so you can just use “theos” in terminal instead of a long ass command:
export THEOS=/var/theos
alias theos=$THEOS/bin/nic.pl
then run this command so this profile can run in Terminal:
source ~/.profile
second: run these commands to install Theos and Theos headers:
git config --global http.sslVerify false
git clone --recursive https://github.com/theos/theos.git $THEOS
install the sdk yourself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is how it works on iOS 11:
IF you face an error like this:
find: 'plutil': No such file or directory
/var/theos/bin/fakeroot.sh: line 46: /usr/bin/env: No such file or directory
make: *** [/var/theos/makefiles/package/deb.mk:40: internal-package] Error 127
then install “plutil” from the same repo! and Credits to this Amazing guy called Samuel Bingner for fixing Theos and all the dependencies of Theos for iOS 11
here is his twitter, give him a follow! https://twitter.com/sbingner