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Everything posted by Rook

  1. @Laxus might need to check and likely fix the issue with that app.
  2. LDOE passed Agario!

    1. Ted2


      ok, so?

    2. Laxus


      Well while ldoe force update to play, agar doesn't :/ 

    3. endapp
  3. This hack is now updated to App Store version 4.2.0! iOS 11 Support! Unlimited Nitro now works for bikes & cars!
  4. This hack is now updated to App Store version 4.2.0! Hack is now an In-Game Mod Menu! Electra Support Added!
  5. Normally, you could just remove it from the app or place you installed it. Are you not able to do that?
  6. Have you tried some suggestions from the App FAQ? Please read our "iOSGods Jailed App Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/85362-iosgods-jailed-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  7. We will be looking to enhance and add more features once it is stable enough.
  8. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  9. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  10. Unsure what the issue could be at this time. Might need to add ARM64e compatibility to the Preferences.
  11. I’ve heard something about adding rpetrich’s (beta) repo and updating a package in there? Not entirely sure, I don’t have a device for Chimera Jailbreak
  12. Please read our "iOSGods Jailed App Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/85362-iosgods-jailed-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  13. Hello, To become a ViP member on iOSGods, you need to purchase a ViP subscription from the link below. https://iosgods.com/store/category/1-vip-subscriptions/ Please carefully read the package's description to know which is the most suitable ViP package for you. PayPal is currently not accepted. Kind regards, DiDA
  14. Hello, That means the installation has successfully completed. Please follow the rest of the instructions inside the topic you downloaded the hack from.
  15. Locked This topic is now closed to further replies.
  16. The new update is here: https://iosgods.com/topic/91441-tap-titans-2-by-game-hive-corp-v301-custom-gold-more/
  17. Please make sure you are installing Filza from the official repo. If that doesn't help, then you could perhaps post the error so we can actually help you.
  18. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  19. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  20. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  21. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  22. For where? Here on iOSGods or Apple Account?
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