Thank you for creating a proper support topic.
There are too many people downloading from the app right now which is making everything slower for everyone involved. Because of that, we're forced to limit who can use the app right now. If you want to use the app during this state, you need to not be a "Newbie" on the community, iOSGods.com. In order to do so, make a few posts, participate in some conversations, post helpful topics, etc. Alternatively, you can just purchase ViP and skip all the above.
Read our "How to get Promoted on iOSGods" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/3477-how-to-get-promoted-on-iosgods/. Please do not create spam and useless posts. You will get warned for doing so.
We will work on improving the app infrastructure so that we do not have to use this limitation again.