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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Hello & welcome!
  2. This is already up to date. Is there something wrong?
  3. Are you downloading the latest update from the link? Try reinstalling.
  4. This hack is now updated to App Store version 4.6.2!
  5. This hack is now updated to App Store version 2.10.3!
  6. This hack is now updated to App Store version 1.9!
  7. This hack is now updated to App Store version 1.9!
  8. This hack is now updated to App Store version 8.1.0!
  9. Information This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar on iOSGods.com to find the topic(s) or try searching on the iOSGods App.
  10. This is being updated now. Check the topic to know when it's out. https://iosgods.com/topic/84012-rpg-avabel-online-v802-god-mode-more/
  11. This hack is now updated to App Store version 1.94.5! It was all Laxus.
  12. This hack is now updated to App Store version 2.0.48!
  13. Hello, This sounds like a revoke. Check the note on https://install.iosgods.com
  14. Hello, Downgrading is currently not possible if the version is no longer signed, and especially if you have no blobs saved.
  15. Hello, Sideloadly currently does not support app-specific password. You will have to use your normal Apple ID password. If you're still having issues, please try this tutorial: https://www.reddit.com/r/sideloadly/comments/wm5tjf/fix_for_your_session_has_expired_please_log_in/
  16. Pushed a temporary fix for "failed to obtain anisette" issue. :)

    1. Rook


      Please re-install from the topic.

    2. Shreadah


      Hi I'm vip now and my iPhone non jailed and i can't know how to install ios god app +  and i can't use cydia impactor Or sideliadly

    3. Rook


      Why can’t you use Sideloadly?

    4. Shreadah


      I tried to use sideloadly but can notinstall any app on iPhone I don’t know why 

    5. Shreadah


      ERROR: Failed: (3019) Authentication Error. Xcode 7.3 or later is required to continue developing with your Apple ID.

      how i solve this error i use iphone  pro max  and use windows 10

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