The Decrypted iOS App Store has received a new update! This update includes:
Queue times have been improved! As you may have noticed by now, queue times have been drastically improved for normal users and the best part is that most decrypted apps will be instantly ready for downloading!
IPA Download speeds have been greatly improved too. Download speeds are now blazing fast!
Multiple App Store countries support. Currently we have added USA, Japan, South Korea & Taiwan. We're open to suggestions as to which other countries you'd like to see added.
Old app version support! You can now use the Decrypted App Store to download older iOS app versions. This feature will mostly be available for iOSGods ViP users, however, if a ViP user has already decrypted an older version, then that decrypted version will be available to everyone. This is shown via the green download icon.
User interface Improvements & bug fixes.
Upcoming changes
Because of all the improvements above, we're forced to implement advertisements for normal users to the Decrypted App Store in order to pay for the additional server costs. If you like this project, please consider supporting it by purchasing a ViP subscription or donating.
Old app version support still needs a bit of work and polish. We'll be working on resolving current issues and improving older versions.
Adding additional App Store countries. Leave your suggestions below!
iOSGods App+ integration so you can easily tweak the apps before installing them all on your device!
Ability to upload & submit your own .IPA files for decrypting.
Additional site & user interface improvements.