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Community Answers

  1. Can’t PM you :( 

  2. Hi,

    I would like to ask you a little info about creating a non-jailbroken hack for a game. I'm at the last step of the process, where with theos jailed i'm creating the final ipa that i install to the device.

    My question is about the preference bundle: if i want to install a modified ipa to a non-jailbroken device, i need to write only the tweak.xm right? i don't need to add the preference plist file to the project folder? 
    And because of this, i need to write :

    %ctor {
    	if(GetPrefBool(@"key1")) {
    		writeData(0x100F7BDD4, 0xE80240B9);
    	} else {

    or is this enough?:

    %ctor {
    		writeData(0x100F7BDD4, 0xE80240B9);

    I ask you this because it seems to me that the code injection could work only if i have "key1" on in the settings. Right?


    I read all the tutorial on iosgods about hacking but i didn't find any info about how to write tweak.xm and the preference bundle when the hack is for non-jailbroken devices.


    Sorry for my bad english.

    Thank you in advance

    1. bR34Kr


      To ask a Help & Support topic go to this section https://iosgods.com/forum/27-help-support/



  3. Dora and boots got whooped by swiper in endgame.

    Sorry not sorry

    1. Joka


      Wow, great. Thanks for ruining it.

    2. Crypto


      Love you too

  4. Touch me

    1. Error.


      Address Please

    2. Pradeep6868


      I don’t touch broke *puts air pods on both ears* 

  5. Here's a tutorial on how to get free iOSGods VIP for 3 months!



    1. C.L.G


      you didn't put 100% working in the title.. cant even clickbait properly LUL 

  6. Hey guys, @Crypto here. Today I'll show you how to get free VIP membership on iOSGods for a year! 1. you'll need to go to the VIP Subscription page : https://iosgods.com/store/category/1-vip-subscriptions/ 2. You'll see 4 VIP packages. Pick the one that is suitable for you and add it to your cart! 3. After the subscription is added to your cart, click "Review & Checkout" 4. Fill out your Billing Information 5. Here's the fun part! Add "PLZUPDATEGAMENOW" in the coupon code input and click "Apply Coupon" That's it! Now you have free membership for a year!☺️ Please don't sue me
  7. 100% VIP Discount didn't work. I WANT TO SPEAK TO A MANAGER

  8. He's asking about Java, on a Java thread. That's not a valid answer @dumdazn If you've never programmed before and want to learn Java, you should read Head First Java. It was the first book I read and it helped me with fundamentals. They have several challenges and software you build in every chapter and they properly explain every step!
  9. Generally you'd start with the basics. Starting building things along the way like a blog / website. You don't need to buy a domain and register it since HTML / CSS / JavaScript can be run dynamically. Udemy or youtube has nice courses. I've used Solo Learn on my phone while I was on the metro / train. The more you teach yourself the better!
  10. When you look at iOSGod's twitter comments and they're all hack requests lmao. Things will never change

  11. sex is nice and all, but have you ever been to a gym's shower room and saw a bunch of old man with their flamingos out?

    1. Rook



  12. If you use this status section to make hack requests, you're a donkey

    1. Joka


      guys can someone hack fortnite unlimited vbucks please ?

    2. Pradeep6868


      can anyone hack clash of royale & clash of clans for me pls

    3. Zahir


      Well said xD 

    4. Pro
  13. The NSA will soon release their disassembler [GHIDRA] for free and it will be open source! Is this the end for IDA pro?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joka


      @Crypto I'd still prefer to use IDA. Been using it for over a year and ain't wanting to learn how to use another software.

      The OG's would use IDA ;)

    3. Crypto


      Apparently the interface is better than IDA. I get what you're saying but this is good for beginners wanting to get into reverse-engineering in general. It's free!

    4. Pradeep6868


      @Joka what if its faster then iDA 😂

    5. Crypto



      Nah it's probably slower since it's written in java lol but it has an architecture-agnostic C decompiler!

    6. Joka


      @Crypto True I guess.

      IDA > whatever's coming

  14. I sometimes pass by the forum to see if DiDA posted his nudes and always leave disappointed

    1. Fadexz


      I mean.. you always have that rock to look at.

    2. Tjabooo


      Well, aren’t we all?

  15. Why is everyone on this forum talking about hacks and cheats? I thought this was a dating website for people who love tacos

    1. Crimson


      What made you think that.

    2. Khaled788
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