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Posts posted by bR34Kr

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ted2 said:

    The framework template automatically sets the framework to $THEOS/lib (so it's already there).
    INSTALL_PATH is a makefile setting, for where the framework is installed when it's being installed.

    I don't think I should set INSTALL_PATH to theos/lib, because most end users wouldn't even have theos installed, right? 

    Why do you need INSTALL_PATH though? 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ted2 said:

    Well, I don't see it in the logs but I assumed it because of: https://github.com/theos/theos/issues/110#issuecomment-399726407

    I set framework install_path to System/Libary/Frameworks, which when I install the framework .deb it does install it there.

    If I remove framework .deb, & just install the tweak, it doesn't.

    I see the /System/Libary/Frameworks/Framework name in the tweaks.dylib, that's why I assumed it couldn't find it.

    So you want the Framework to only be on the compiler’s device?


    If so install your framework to $THEOS/lib and add its headers to $THEOS/include

  3. Unity is in a 3D environment as far as I know, so basically you want to find the function to set the Camera location. This way you can move it up or down or whatever. The reason it does that is because of ARM's way of handling floating point. I think in the Club "IDA tips" there should be something detailing your issue. But for the set location you'd want to call that function by making a function pointer to it. If it's too complicated you can find the GetCameraLocation and move on an axis but again, you are limited by the floats in ARM

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Saecluss said:

    I was just using the Example URL Scheme Link on the original Sideloadly thread, sorry if that doesn't make any sense :(

    Yeah makes sense. Thought you were installing from a third party and they messed up some stuff in the IPA

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Rook said:

    This does sound like your antivirus or something similar. Another member had an issue similar to this and it was his antivirus.

    Example ^

    There are no plans on supporting Linux at this time unfortunately.

    Hmm odd. I'll try a reboot. It might help to sign the installer maybe that's what triggering it. I'll send you a guide on it I just need to find it :)




    • Thanks 1
  6. To "bypass" ASLR, you need to find the ASLR offset so you can add/subtract it from your offset to know its original/ASLRed offset. To get it when hooking to a process use this function:


    (Info here -> https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man3/dyld.3.html)

    The header for it is on the manpage



    For removing it from your LLDB session you want to do

    image list PROC_NAME

    in LLDB (while replacing PROC_NAME with the process name). That will give you the ASLR offset for that process and you need to subtract it from every offset you get through it

    • Like 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, Jacksonlane24 said:

    Thanks I’ll try find some source code for reference, and see what I can do, also is it similar to making a aimbot in a pc game like csgo or something? And another question, I was looking up “OpenGL” and I saw your topic on a tool you made, but I was wandering if you knew it is still functional and worth looking into?

    It's pretty much the same as PC for anything math related. OpenGL is to make wallhacks with games that still support it (I'd say 60% of them)

  8. To make an aimbot here are the simple and easy steps:

    Step 1: Find your player location

    Step 2: Find your target location

    Step 3: Find the LookAt rotation from your position to theirs

    Step 4: Apply that rotation to yourself

    Step 5: Enjoy

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Jacksonlane24 said:

    Thanks very much, also I know it’s off topic for this but, what’re the steps of making a chams or esp? 

    Make a new topic ;) Also, read the tuts. That stuff you learn by yourself

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