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Everything posted by AEGi5

  1. AEGi5

    Count to 4,000

    2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345
  2. It's in its approval stage at the moment, may take a while to get posted
  3. Nice! Okay. Don't work too hard Yeah the devs that moderate the approval at AutoTouch take days, hell, even weeks to approve your bot.
  4. Don't forget to publish it! PM me details, and ill post as soon as your bot gets approved.
  5. Uhh you can just PM the title/password then I'll post it here. Thanks for your work! Yes, just get the cracked version of AutoTouch to bypass the license thing Thanks again
  6. If you guys are really that desperate for bitcoins then I would suggest using faucets. However, this is a great way to get a bit extra on the go I guess
  7. Keep in mind that anything has a risk when you cheat/hack in any game. In my opinion, it shouldn't be too bad as long as you know how to limit and regulate the length of bottling. I mean if you level up like 100 levels in one day then Gumi will surely take notice. Just be conscious about what you are doing and outsmart Gimu
  8. For real? Asir, the creator of the iPhone 6 bot essentially guaranteed that it works Are you sure it doesn't work?
  9. There is support for iPad mini, are you sure you are installing the right one?
  10. Best to consult Asir, the creator of the levelling hack for iPhone 6.
  11. Best to consult that issue with Vox or DiDA, but have you tried reinstalling the .deb file?
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