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Everything posted by AEGi5

  1. "Doing alit". Maybe you should just simply turn away if you do not like this method Anyway, thanks for calling it the worst support thread even though I answered most questions asked in this thread. Goodbye!
  2. Any popular repo can work. just don't use the official version of AutoTouch
  3. new signature too op ;)

    1. NitroxicDemon
    2. AEGi5


      nigga you don't even have a nigga pass

    3. AEGi5


      oh wait i gave you a family pass nvm

    4. NitroxicDemon
  4. Yeah you have to wait. The bot does that. I made it like that because some people have potato internet and they can't connect to the dungeon on time.
  5. One account and multiple devices can be used for that same account I recommend capping it at 5 just to be safe Whoops I'll fix that, nice eye Added! Thanks for the suggestion. Edit: Can you recheck that link? It doesn't seem to work for me. You can buy virtual iTunes gift cards with PayPal, if I am not mistaken.
  6. I specialize in Brave Frontier-related stuff and money-making apps!

    1. Ann3


      Can you make me some money then?


    2. AEGi5
    3. Ann3


      Goooooo then

  7. Yeah, that sometimes happens to me too. Luckily the bot fixes itself
  8. Yeah, sadly AutoTouch didn't update to Jailbreak iOS 9 yet
  9. 100 reputation babyyyy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zzmorg82
    3. AEGi5


      thanks man or girl

    4. --Techarmor--


      can you defeat DiDA, RageKaze, Diversityy?

    5. AEGi5



    6. --Techarmor--


      Good Luck... You will need it :D

  10. [uPDATE] I have discovered that you can file multiple tickets at once
  11. [uPDATE] I have made over 100 points overnight with my 5 smartphones.
  12. Try uninstalling the tweak, install AutoTouch from another source. Respring, download my bot, and then try again.
  13. 420 POSTS

    1. Brandun
    2. Rook


      Dammit Brandun! I wanted to say that.

  14. Please use "hide" tags. Also, make sure that you downloaded my bot. You might be confusing my bot with someone else's leveling bot
  15. Enter your phone in safe mode, uninstall AutoTouch and download AutoTouch from another source.
  16. If your internet can handle it, go for it. Unfortunately for ads like those you must tap x. I am currently making a bot that will bypass this problem FastForward works with this app. Did you enable CheckPoints in the FastForward app?
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