I had someone PM me asking for ways to cheat with GSN Casino app. As I have 2.7 trillion chips, and it costs like $100 to buy like 10 Million, I figured I'd share my experience with anyone who plays the game, and is interested.
A lot of this "hack" is just using a combination of pre-existing tweaks, combined with a patch I made on Flex 3. Note: I lost my iPhone and subsequently my JB for several months, and need to update the Flex patch, but for the purpose of this post it works great. The main changes with app updates were with advertisements, which I will work to update as part of my "all-in-one" Flex patch for this app.
Anyways, made a video this AM (on iOS 10.0.1 Yalu 102 JB, iPhone 6s+) where I got free billion dollar spins on one of the slots, and showed you can get unlimited free spins on several of the slots using tools already available, namely Flex, iGameGuardian, LocalIAPStore, and a few loopholes the developers missed when verifying IAP receipts on their server.
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To the iosgods this will bore you to death, but to newer jailbreak users and people without much knowledge on how to use these tools, I thought this thread might be helpful.
This is the first thread I've started on here so if I posted in wrong area or broke any rules I apologize and understand if you need to delete the thread.