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Everything posted by i0s_tweak3r

  1. Are the flex patches implemented directly into the ipa already while device is still jailbroken? So basically you'd just have to copy the .ipa with patch on, then reinstall it and the flex hack would already be on the .ipa?
  2. Thx for the warm welcome. ☺️ Made me feel old mentioning the Commodore lol. Forgot to mention also know HTML, php, am familiar with xml.... Used to run a music streaming website, so also familia with SEO/ metadata. Hence know a little about a lot, but am an expert at very little. Work as a Master Boat Captain but don't consider myself a "Master" of that either lol.
  3. Just wanted to thank everyone for all the help I've received without ever posting. Been a member for a while but just recently posted a few times. You guys rock! I know a little about a lot, but a lot about very little... Started off programming Basic with Commodore 64. Later Pascal, then C, C++, Visual C, Visual Basic... Slowly learning Obj C now, and making tweaks from mobile device with theos.
  4. Oh, ok. I made flex patch for each app as well changing the applicationwillresignactive(id) to a year from install date. Wondering if that's maybe the reason the apps still work? Guess it doesn't matter because if jailbreak is lost so would the flex patches. Was just exploring free ways to keep side loaded apps working in event jailbreak was lost. (I could always just get a dev account or use a signing service, most of them cost money tho.)
  5. First: Thank You! By deleting the provisioning file for an app that became an "untrusted developer", then respringing, I can now use the app again! Question tho.... Could you edit the xml portions of the provisioning files and change the expiration date(to one year from creation date) and time to live(from 7 to 365)? I did that before seeing this post and I have a couple side-loaded apps that are working despite being past the 7 days from creation date. I used the tweak "CertTime" and it shows almost a year left now on my Yalu app. https://ibb.co/gA78mF
  6. No sorry if that was confusing. Many people get addicted to these casino apps, shelling out thousands in real money for fake chips that they lose as quick as they buy them. Just wanted to show there's at least one Server-Based Casino app where you can play as much as you like without having to keep buying chips.
  7. I had someone PM me asking for ways to cheat with GSN Casino app. As I have 2.7 trillion chips, and it costs like $100 to buy like 10 Million, I figured I'd share my experience with anyone who plays the game, and is interested. A lot of this "hack" is just using a combination of pre-existing tweaks, combined with a patch I made on Flex 3. Note: I lost my iPhone and subsequently my JB for several months, and need to update the Flex patch, but for the purpose of this post it works great. The main changes with app updates were with advertisements, which I will work to update as part of my "all-in-one" Flex patch for this app. Anyways, made a video this AM (on iOS 10.0.1 Yalu 102 JB, iPhone 6s+) where I got free billion dollar spins on one of the slots, and showed you can get unlimited free spins on several of the slots using tools already available, namely Flex, iGameGuardian, LocalIAPStore, and a few loopholes the developers missed when verifying IAP receipts on their server. [Hidden Content] To the iosgods this will bore you to death, but to newer jailbreak users and people without much knowledge on how to use these tools, I thought this thread might be helpful. This is the first thread I've started on here so if I posted in wrong area or broke any rules I apologize and understand if you need to delete the thread.
  8. Does this work on iOS 10?
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