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Status Updates posted by i0s_tweak3r

  1. How does one get 12k reputation and still be a newbie? After 8 years lol...  Anyways updated Apple News hack for ios 14-16.....  hacked it a little more this time removing most banners asking you to join Premium, so all content is free, minimal ads (one small mid scrolling banner every once in a while).  All magazines should be working now.



    1. DXcool223


      damn bro that sucks, you talk to Rook about this because I would be upset :/

    2. Kobina


      They never updated their reputation 

    3. LukeDXD


      Hello i0s_tweak3r,


      The way the system works by giving you points based off your participating in the community.

      "Each participation awards you points"


  2. Reputation: 11.9k

    Recent badges include: 3 rare 

    Years since Joining: 7-8

    Current Achievement: Newbie. 😂

    I love it.  Plausible deniability.  If only I could get the iOSGods app without ads than make it unusable. 🙏

    1. TimidNova


      The rank system was added withing the last year or so. So if you haven't been active recently then it will be Newbie. The rank system is based from post count

    2. Zahir
  3. Added a new hack to access Apple News+ articles and magazines without paying $10/month to Apple.  The best part is it doesn’t even fake a purchase, it just exploits a few methods that check if the user should have access.

    The only downside is apparently the app isn’t available in many countries outside the US. You can still DL the app tho with an alternate AppleID and a VPN, though.


    Here’s the thread:


  4. Added new hack for full premium VPN with over 120 countries. Tested and working on Unc0ver JB iOS 13.5, and checkra1n on 13.2.2.... Enjoy. 



  5. Finally updated CotoMovies hack for latest app version and added A12 Support. New link is in the CotoMovies thread. If you have an older version of MediaBox, and a working version of my hack for that, hold off a little longer on updating the app(ads slipped through in the last few updates). Going to make a new version soon, now that I’ve updated the majority of the SB tweaks I’ve made for A12.

    Also, if anyone is interested in carrying the torch for these two apps, DM me and I’ll share my methods / code. I just don’t have the time anymore to keep up as often, and when I do get time I’ve been focusing more on development/ SB tweaks.

    1. Laxus


      Add this on iOSGods App

  6. Just did a “soft release” of my first paid tweak. I’m really happy with how it came out, it’s quite extensive. It’s just in my repo at the moment. Going to add it to a default for sale once I add tech support framework, so it will be easier to help anyone with questions or a tweak that may conflict.  I’m actually surprised how many ppl bought it already with it just being in my repo.  Anyways, I made a short video showing some of the features and things you can do with it. :)




    1. i0s_tweak3r


      I have this website to thank 100% for getting me started making tweaks. I learned a lot from the tutorials, and even though I decided to move more in the development direction then game cheat/ hacker side, it all still started here, and I’m so grateful for e1 that ever helped me when I was clueless.  You guys know who you are. 😊

    2. Ted2


      Nice man

    3. Max-Q
  7. Happy New Year! Someone PM’d me asking for MediaBox HD hack so was working on that tonight. Managed to remove ads, hide device identity info they shouldn’t need, and found methods for other cool stuff, all without using the app a single time. 😎

    I have to admit I was surprised when I opened it that it didn’t crash, let alone play a show for me without ads and with a blazing fast connection.


    Anyways, since MovieBox is kind of all over the place with different app versions, and I already pwnd MediaBoxHD, gonna start making that the main TV app I focus on besides CotoMovies.  Will have a deb to share soon. 


    I feel bad I haven’t been here as much as I used to, but I’ll never forget my roots, or my gratitude for every iOSGods member that has taught me something or helped me along the way.

    Happy New Year i0sG0D$ ‼️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LOST.
    3. i0s_tweak3r


      @Trinityz I have a few people that have tested so far still no one has ads. If by chance one slipped by me and my host blockers got it let me know plz.   Going to start a thread sharing this hack as soon as I have a couple more working reports. I just made a build for iOS 9-11.x and it worked on iPad 9.3.5, so almost ready to share it with the whole forum.

    4. Metiras


      UpdTe the tweak pls

    5. i0s_tweak3r


      @Metiras I didn’t just update it- completely re-wrote it for the latest app version. There’s a new deb in the thread just make sure you have the latest MediaBox version. (Unless there’s a new one that just came out that I’m not aware of, haven’t opened Cydia in a few days).

    6. Nouroz_Ali


      Can you pls update the hack on Version 2.4.2 thanks in advance 

  8. Updated Bobby Movie Tweak finally. Took a litte longer then I thought it would to fix.

    Anyways new link is in same thread as before, old link deleted. All compatible iOS versions for the app, and all iDevice types work with tweak. (arm64 + armv7)


  9. Finally have updated Bobby Music Tweak. Hope you guys enjoy it took a lot of work. Fully compatible with all iOS 9-11.x


  10. So I have an updated BobbyMusic tweak ready, (works as Flex patch) but it’s not working as tweak since they swizzle the BundleID. Gotta use Cycript to find real one when I have a chance or more time.  Posted update to BobbyMovie though. 

    1. i0s_tweak3r


      Had an issue with my control file not so much the swizzling lol used Cycript, ssh'd in and it said the BundleID was right for BobbyMusic. Rebuilt BobbyMusic tweak and finally got it to do some stuff, then crash lol. That's ok b4 my tweak wasn't doing anything now just have to find where I got it wrong going from huge flex patch to a tweak.

    2. Oxytyramine


      Just use the Executables instead of the bundle id and you’ll be all good.

  11. Wow been a while since I used the Bobby Music app. It’s not in the App Store, but you can get it from dtathemes. They stepped up their game with all the anti-adremoval tricks lol. Every thing I tell it to turn off then next method I’m like “it’s on I swear”. ? Think I finally got it done.  Just gotta do a lil more testing, compile a fresh copy.. The sound quality is bangin! Like YouTube + Spotify, but you can download all the music.  Works with Artsy tweak and LS music controls too.  Will try to have it up tonight.

    1. Laxus


      Sound like a good app, can't wait to try it out

    2. i0s_tweak3r


      It’s sweet. I didn’t finish making the tweak yet it’s a big amount of text I have to turn into code, and I have work today. The bundle ID is different from dtathemes then if u got it from App Store. Tweak will work for both versions when I finish but it won’t do anything right now the version that is up unless you have App Store version.  Will hopefully finish tonight. Working long hours today.

      Also have update of Bobby Movie that’s working great in Flex. The version in here works right now but you have to turn off limit ad tracking. I fixed that in Flex and will make that go away with that update and change UIAlert to one that shows on install and never again.

    3. ddkrnn2


      Please hack vsco x new version full unclok jailbroken ?


  12. Have first day off in ages tomorrow so will be working on updating some of the tweaks I’ve shared here.  

    1. Ted2


      What's your job

    2. Rook


      Dealing with assholes online LUL

    3. Ted2


      Like all members of your forum

  13. Lol I got banned from on Discord's r/jailbreak, r/jailbreakdevelopers and every other sub-group I was a part of after one minute of chatting in a small piracy group. Funny thing is it wasn't even about piracy. Someone owning a pirate repo was nice enough to ask permission to add some of my tweaks, and to pay me for hosting / maintaining them, and keeping me as author when they could have just modded them anyway without my permission as I don't use DRM and so far have made all my tweaks free.

    Smh first Reddit warns me for linking here to a friggen tutorial that I wrote, now I'm banned from discord. They take this anti-piracy crap a little too far. People are going to pirate as long as jailbreaks exist. If you find a pirate that's not a total leech I don't see the issue with having a conversation with them. Discord / Reddit are so stupid. I'm sure I'll be banned from Reddit soon for trying to help someone again or for having tweaks that aren't kosher being hosted on pirate repos. 

    The tweaks I was offered money to host/maintain tho were 100% kosher and in my beta repo already lmao. 

    1. Cycas


      They can kys, they all use piracy in secret lmao

    2. i0s_tweak3r


      Thats the funniest part! Apparently wasnt banned on Reddit (yet)  just the Reddit subs on Discord.

    3. GodKingThoth


      f*** em. I banged the /r/trees top mod and got banned. Discord is for lames anyway

  14. Just semi-released first version of a tweak I've been working on for months but was holding off on releasing because of issues with Anemone. Works great on my device on iOS 11.1.2- anyways if you liked Stylish for 9-10.x its in my beta repo for iOS 11, with lots of added new features. </spam>


    1. i0s_tweak3r


      Also am working on updating Bobby Movie and Movie Box tweaks soon, just been working a lot of hours. Will post direct DL links in original threads when updated.

  15. Reddit's  /r/jailbreak is so retarded. I had a helpful comment deleted from a support thread  because it linked to a tutorial on here that had nothing to do with piracy or hacking, and I was issued a "warning" so next time I'll be banned. That place is so messed up. Apparently iOSGods is a piracy site, even tho over half is helpful tutorials, help/support, general jailbreak info, etc..


    They said the entire iG domain is banned. Well I've found piracy links on twitter, youtube, google, facebook, if they are going to fairly enforce their ridiculous anti-piracy crusade they should do it fairly and not condemn entire domains unless the entire domain is for piracy.  It's  like saying Cydia is a pirate app because some ppl add repos with pirated / cracked tweaks.

    It's ok tho I usually only go on there to see how many help threads show up after Electra updates to see if it's safe to upgrade. Smh. I'm going to continue putting links to iOSGods in every tweak I make.  Up to over 50,000 downloads from BigBoss and my beta repo.  (Most w/o any Reddit sharing  on my end).  This community pwns Reddit anyways.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amuyea
    3. i0s_tweak3r


      Nice. It's funny tho how capricious they are. First Julio was banned, then he "saved the day" so many times e1 couldn't ignore the good he was doing, then suddenly Reddit was full of "Thank You Julio" threads. Previously saying his name was about the equivalent to Voldemort.

      But he fixed Appsync, he even fixed Extender when saurik, it's creator, could'nt figure it out, at least not how to do it for free. Any good developer should also know the basics of hacking apps, debugging and using IDA. Yet if you crack an app and import it into IDA, you're supporting piracy. Smh.

      Just glad here you have to deserve it to get banned. 

    4. Ted2
    5. Joka


      They’re just all toxic. Soon as someone sees something they don’t like, everyone follows the train xD 

    6. Archangel04


      Basically what @Joka said. People there are jerks because they CAN be jerks.

  16. My "Pirate repo" got banned, the one I had with all the freemium type hacks, and enhancements for moviebox and bobbymovie, as well as a few tweaks that didn't violate TOS. Guess I'll have to stop by here more often whenever I want to update a tweak I can't host anymore. My "beta" repo is still up tho, and that one has a lot more DL's anyway. Oh well it was fun being a n00b hax3r while it lasted. ?



    1. i0s_tweak3r


      Biggest annoyance is just that I need to make sure anything I shared on here has most current version for direct download links.  If anyone notices a thread of mine that perhaps doesn't have a DL link, or no longer works due to app being updated, let me know and I'll try to fix it in a (relatively) timely manner.

    2. Taylor Meyer

      Taylor Meyer

      i saw that your repo got banned when i went to it because i clicked on a package it said this repo has been banned who can ban the repos is it saurik 

    3. i0s_tweak3r


      the maker of the jailbreak could have the ability to ban a repo, but I can't recall ever seeing it happen, other then Electra removing saurik's repo, because of conflicting updates and packages.  Usually someone from the community will report a repo as a " pirate repo" if they have cracked tweaks that usually cost money, and when u add the source there's a warning tbat the repo has pirated packages that could be unsafe, and to use your moral compass not to DL paid tweaks for free. 

      This ban is because someone reported the repo to the host, yourepo, and since they own the domain they can ban any one they want that violates their TOS.

  17. Getting a laugh that a tweak I shared here a year ago and put in my beta repo is still not released with BigBoss, (and I've since seen individual features of it released as tweaks).  It's still there, in "beta", I just never get around to finishing it exactly how I want it, for all the iOS versions.

    It even made it onto several youtube "Top 10/50/100/200 tweaks for iOS 11" without ever really releasing it. It's changed over the last year but the more I learn the more I want to add, so it never feels finished. ?

    (Talking about my "Lockscreen Suite" tweak.)

  18. Added direct download link to Bobby Movie Box Premium tweak for anyone not wishing to add the repo. Sorry forgot to do that originally. It's in the hidden section of the BobbyMovieBoxPremium thread now.

  19. Is it just me or does it seem like everything needs approved by moderators lately?  ?

    Not knocking it just seems like a lot of work.  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joka


      Pls update LDOE 

    3. Oxytyramine


      @DiDA what about your grand son?

    4. i0s_tweak3r


      Yeah I can see how that would get annoying real quick. I wasn’t very active for a while and let VIP lapse so makes sense to be auto-flagged. Thx for the whitelist @DiDA. I’ll be renewing VIP or  doing another giveaway soon.

      I still use iOSGods patcher NIC template all the time. It’s a great starting point and time saver to get simple ideas built quickly.

    5. Rook


      Plan on updating that, just UIAlertController does not want to work with me. Either doesn't popup or crashes. :(

    6. i0s_tweak3r


      Weird... it worked b4. I haven’t used that part in a long time tho, and probably targeted lower iOS versions when I did, so deprecated code would compile and run.  :-D

  20. Note to self: make a copy first before making major changes or additions to a tweak. Make smaller changes and compile more often so you're not staring at pages of code half the night counting  brackets trying to figure out the one place where you made a stupid mistake.

    Man I füçkęd up! ?

    1. Ted2
    2. Rayan-


      Nice one! LUL 

    3. i0s_tweak3r


      Ok now I feel really stupid. I have Textastic app on my phone that shows code formatted and includes line numbers if you want, yet still always code right from text editor in Filza.  Used the line number from compiling error in Textastic just now and instantly found the only error from like 15 different methods I added last night.  

      Lmao I had %hookmethodName (notice no space after hook- caused compile error that there was an %orig outside a block.)

  21. Ooh... Loving this spooky Halloween theme!! ?

  22. Important Public Service Announcement: Do not play with launchdaemons copy pasting them, just to install a cracked tweak, unless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing. If you don't know what a daemon is, you probably shouldn't be playing with them.


    I finally fixed it, got the cracked tweak working and got my system stable again... I was resolved not to start a support topic lol since it was my fault and I knew better.


    Damn it was tough tho. Tweaks were crashing 3-4 times / minute thanks to rocketbootstrap being so efficient at reporting tampered daemons/ ones where they shouldn't be.

    1. Bossx2


      How did you fix it tell it to people it may be useful for someone

    2. i0s_tweak3r


      It's actually not totally fixed yet I noticed, the only crash report I'm getting tho is like one every few hours from crash reporter instead of 3-5 per minute. Main problem was I had an extra launch daemon I needed to delete, that was being dragged into rocketbootstrap and throwing constant errors.

      I was trying to copy my iGameguardian from one device to another, after deleting it when it stopped working a while back (only to realize that it no longer had a current repo, that worked for me at least).

      I think the last thing causing an issue is that there's a tweak I need to manually add to my package list in Cydia.  Need to analyze latest crash reports to see what's still throwing errors. Could be code signature issues as well.

      Once I finally get everything as it should be I'm going to probably document the experience so others can learn from it, and maybe make a tutorial on "Things you shouldn't mess with in file managers/ how to avoid messing up your jailbreak."

    3. Bossx2


      So you were trying to copy your iGameGuardian from one device to another and you copied your launch daemon by mistake which got dragged to rocketbootstrap and your device got f**ked up that basically what happened (for people who didn't understand)

    4. i0s_tweak3r


      Yeah.  More or less.  Just copying the .app folder into Applications and then hitting uicache didn't work, since the deb normally places the launch daemons where they belong when you install it, so I tried to copy each individual file and put them where they were on the first device. Some daemons were the same name, but had different file sizes, and/or went in more then one different area.  Others had permissions set wrong.

      After fixing permissions and adding 3 daemons I missed, it's been 24 hours now without any processes or tweaks crashing. ?  

    5. Bossx2
  23. Important Public Service Announcement: Do not play with launchdaemons copy pasting them, just to install a cracked tweak, unless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing. If you don't know what a daemon is, you probably shouldn't be playing with them.


  24. Sorry for shameless promotion but could use some beta testers b4 I send this tweak to BigBoss, if they accept it. I've been using it every day literally on iOS 10, as I find a couple of the features very useful at work, and in the AM.   Anyways, iOS 8-10 if ya wanna try it out, any constructive criticism welcome, and any features u think I should add would be appreciated for ur ideas.  (Most current version is in both of my repos in hidden.) I forget which version I have direct DL link to.


    1. Cycas


      Reddit your friend.

    2. i0s_tweak3r


      Excellent advice thank you!

      In half a day it's got over a 1,000 views, some ppl trying it out, giving ideas for things to add, and had someone offer a solution for one of the features I still need to implement on iOS 8 devices.

      Ive pretty much just lurked on there it was only my second post so was a little nervous about the reaction. So far it's been pretty good. ☺️

    3. Cycas


      No problem, You can get famous quickly on Reddit if you make the requested tweaks.

    4. i0s_tweak3r


      That's actually a good tip. I've seen some that would've been easy to do, but other ppl beat me to it since I was busy working long hours.

      I'm not really looking for "jb community fame" as much as just slowly getting my name out there,  so once I have gotten more experience and made a tweak original enough and "worthy" of charging that ppl might consider shelling out a buck here and there. 

      I still have a lot to learn b4 that day comes though. 

  25. Finally put iOS 10 SpringBoard into IDA to get a better peak at the code.  Wasn't sure if it needed cracked first like apps but it seemed to work fine disassembling it.

    1. Bossx2


      Where did you find the iOS 10 SpringBoard?

    2. i0s_tweak3r



      is binary location.  Plugins and frameworks are elsewhere but that's the main one.

    3. Bossx2


      Aha nice i think the plugins are in the core services folder too if I am not mistaken 

    4. i0s_tweak3r


      Yeah they are. Found a few I might be interested in exploring for tweaks. There's a lot of dictionaries there too with values you can plug right into Flex or a class dump.   I'm just anxiously awaiting my busy season at work to end. Been working 6-7 days a week 12 hr days.  Not much time for coding.

        I'm determined to get lldb or gdb working tho on one of my devices. I found an arm64 build of gdb that supposedly works on iOS 9+ 10.  Downloaded it but haven't tried to use it yet.

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