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Everything posted by Dannyyy

  1. If you think about it, we all will be thought of for the last time, whether that be 100 years after your death or 1000 years. We will cross someone’s mind for the last time. The last person to see us alive will eventually die. We will be forgotten, never to be remembered, thought about, again.

  2. what he said^ cydia impactor is broken right now. What i did was download the free version of the iosgods app and downloaded uncover from there while it was still signed. I jailbroke before it was revoked so keep on the lookout for when it gets signed again
  3. link doesn’t work 😞
  4. regular app or + version
  5. okay chiefs i went ahead and restored root fs, do you know how i can get uncover without cydia impactor ?
  6. and also do you think there might be conflicting issues with chimera and uncover jailbreaking the same phone without restoring the filesystem?
  7. i believe i do bc i was actually jailbroken with uncover for a long time. cydia impactor isn't working right now from my understanding so i cant use it to install uncover . My phone died so i lost my jailbreak about a month ago, i re jailbroke with chimera bc it seemed like the only working jailbreak rn, unless i can install uncover without cydia impactor ?? i know bros but it seemed like the only available choice for me rn 😞 *sad danny noises*
  8. I have successfully jailbroken my iPhone 7+ iOS 12.1.2 w chimera jailbreak and I have downloaded tweaks like cylinder and snowboard however they are not showing up in my settings app (I understand this has something to do with preference loader ???) so i have looked up solutions for this but nothing seems to be working. I followed several tutorials from youtube that had me go through the file path /var/lib or to refresh and update my packages (which i did) to no avail. Please help. I can provide more information if needed.
  9. Name of the game you want hacked: PewDiePie’s Pixelings Version of the game: 1.0.1 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pewdiepies-pixelings/id1477876003 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Requested Features: -Free IAP -Unlimited Bucks -Unlimited Coins -Unlimited Energy -Unlinked One Hit Kills
  10. sooooo when do i get my cheater title? it’s the only reason i went and got a temp. girlfriend 

    1. Dannyyy


      haha wow you’re so funny bro 

  11. UPDATE: Went ahead and tested to see if it still works, I can confirm indeed it does. The only problem was that some of the file pathways had been changed by either apple (sometimes they change up the filesystem through iOS Updates) or the developers of the app. Edited the topic to reflect these changes. I hope you guys are enjoying this hack so far. Thanks!
  12. gonna try this again...







    1. bR34Kr
    2. Tonii


      so we back in the mine

  13. creeper

    1. Dannyyy


      my disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined 

  14. welcome yo, just go on ahead and make a request here: https://iosgods.com/forum/19-hack-requests/?do=add and hopefully one of our amazing cheaters can take a look into it and see what they can do
  15. Name of the game you want hacked: Better Men: Workout Trainer Version of the game: 1.1.21 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bettermen-workout-trainer/id1424128078 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken hack would be the easiest, non-jailbroken would be fine, if possible. Requested Features: Premium Subscription
  16. Title says it all, we must come together and subscribe to pewdiepie. T-Series has big gay and wants to overthrow pewdiepie as king of YouTube. Please show some support for our boy
  17. Ended up having chemical burns on my hands and fingers, got three days off 😈

    1. TheArmKing


      so is it a victory royale?


    2. Mod.lover


      What? How are you now?

    3. Dannyyy


      I’m good thanks for asking, my hands are peeling tho and they look pretty bad haha

    4. Mod.lover


      You need to take care and don’t stress out your hands! 

  18. been at my new job for about a week and my hands are swollen and got hella cuts. i feel like dying. sum1 help... pls... i beg u

    1. Rafyssssutyt
    2. Diversityy


      Yoo danny KreyGasm

    3. Rook


      buy bip and subscripe to pewdiepie

    4. Dannyyy


      My boy dive, it’s been a while <3 

  19. This is weird, I fixed it but by pressing the “jailbreak” button in the unc0ver app everytime it resprung
  20. Nevermind, it happened to me again and doing this hasnt helped me fix the problem. Someone help me please I’m stuck in safe mode
  21. Make iOSGods Great Again! Build that chatbox!

    1. Joka
    2. Rook


      15 billion dollary doos to build

      Someone create the gofundme

    3. Dannyyy


      i can give you a small loan of a million dollars

    4. Rook


      no no we need a small loan of 15 billion

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