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Everything posted by Rook

  1. This is the Jailbreak version and it’s free.
  2. Apple Event confirmed on September 14th!

    1. bR34Kr



      Live footage of @Rook rn ^

    2. Rook


      I don’t even know why I’m excited for it. I guess it’s just something to look forward to. :)

    3. Babby668
  3. Don't update unless forced guys. Update is coming.
  4. Should be as long as you like! I don't think we set a limit.
  5. Hey! Apologies, we're working on fixing a DDoS issue with the iOSGods App+. Try again a bit later.
  6. This hack is using the new iOSGods Auto Updater. The cheat will automatically update itself to the current app version you have installed on your iDevice.
  7. Locked This topic is now closed to further replies.
  8. Hello, Please make sure you are not confusing iOSGods App+ with iOSGods ViP subscription. Your subscription gives you access to the current normal web app which is signed. Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  9. Updated! This hack is now updated to the current App Store version!
  10. Hello, The message is self-explanatory. If it's been weeks like you say, then another issue may be present. You can PM me with your App+ invoice number and describe the problem so I can check for you.
  11. Updated! Fixed reported issues. Custom Damage now replaces all the other damage features so you can fine tune the damage amount you want. Don't go too high. God Mode is working from my testing.
  12. Locked This topic is now closed to further replies.
  13. Yeah! That’s already a feature!
  14. Hello, Please try logging out and then back in. Otherwise, please reinstall App+. Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  15. iOSGods App+ now has the updated login system. https://install.iosgods.com/

    This is the initial version which was silently released and further improvements will come soon!

  16. It might be an issue with the template or theos itself. You control file seems fine. Does it have an extra line in the end?
  17. Noted, will be updated and made less obvious.
  18. This was an issue on our end. Fixed!
  19. When is the Apple September event?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cycas


      September 13 iPhone 13 🧐

    3. Rook


      They should have handed out invitations by now if that’s the case?

    4. Laxus


      September already? Wait what

    5. Rook
    6. 0xSUBZ3R0
  20. New certificate! IOSGods App is being signed!

    1. Laxus


      Revoked in 3 hours :admin:

    2. Rook


      Last one lasted more than 6 hours and I expect you to be wrong about this one too B)

    3. Ahmedoo94
  21. There’s 2 ways to download. Just use the other option.
  22. Well done! Is it okay if I add it to the Newbie Hacking topic?
  23. Hello, Latest version of iOSGods App+ already supports iOS 15 BETA. Make sure you install from https://install.iosgods.com/
  24. Hey @Displzdj! There is a new way to do this now, and it's even easier with the new Sideloadly update. You can inject multiple dylibs/debs/frameworks and then it will also re-sign and install afterwards. Working on Mac & Windows.
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