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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Hello everyone! I took the forum offline for a few hours to further customize it and now everything seems okay. But, in case you haven't noticed, I'm a human and make errors so if you see something out of the ordinary or experience any bugs then feel free to PM me about it and I'll fix it. I've also added some more themes which you can choose from the bottom left corner of your screen. Have a nice time! DiDA
  2. Hey Supergiu! Thanks for joining and congrats for being one of the 10 members but there is no VIP.
  3. Rook


    I should probably edit this.
  4. Congratulations Bro! Enjoy your stay here!
  5. Welcome to iOSGods! This forum will be available to anyone who is willing to learn, teach and share everything related to iOS. We hope you enjoy it here. All the best, DiDA
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