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Everything posted by Rook

  1. You're back? You're using Binbox also? Is everyone rocking the 1,888,888 numbers? What is going on?
  2. I'm gonna have to add a Nyan Cat emoticon.
  3. Pangu has been updated to v1.1.0 and now has Cydia included. Change log 1.1.0(2014.10.31) 1. Bundle latest Cydia for iOS8. 2. Optimize jailbreak process. 3. Fix an issue that may cause MobileSafari to crash on 64bit devices. 4. Fix an issue that causes iMessage/SMS to fail to send images. 5. Respring is not required anymore to make Substrate working. 6. Pangu APP now with some useful functions. 7. Add English support
  4. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  5. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  6. Try reinstalling it. Delete it from Cydia.
  7. Hey! Here's a tutorial on how to make PuTTY auto connect on one or two of your saved sessions with just 1 click! (well 2 clicks because you double click to open a shortcut ) Note: This will also work with KiTTY or any other similar terminals. 1. Download PuTTY if you haven't got it already from here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html 2. You will need to create a shortcut on your desktop which links to the putty.exe file. You can easily do this by Right-Clicking the putty.exe -> Send to -> Desktop (create shortcut) 3. Right-click on the shortcut file you just created and select Properties from the menu. 4. Once you're in the putty.exe - Shortcut Properties menu, on the "Target:" box, type in [email protected] -pw alpine after the "C:\Users\USERNAME\PUTTYFOLDER\putty.exe" Note: Change the 111.222.333.4 to your iDevice's IP Address. 6. Save the modified shortcut file and double click it to automatically open and login to the specified IP along with the username and password automagically! Laziness level = Over 9000 Enjoy!
  8. Yepp! This actually does work with some games. It won't work with Server Sided games since it syncs with the time on the server. Moved this to DIY Cheats. "That's what I have for you right now so yeah, hope you like it and piss off. Hope I said that right :S"
  9. Even works with screen off so it might be a bit of a battery leech but it might be worth it for some. Just like the Google Now on Android.
  10. And the good times keep rolling. A new jailbreak tweak has popped up on the Cydia Store from well-known developer Hamza Sood. The tweak, entitled UntetheredHeySiri, lets you use Siri hands-free without needing to be connected to power. Video review: After you install UntetheredHeySiri, which is free from Cydia’s BigBoss repo, you won’t find a preference panel in the normal root location of the stock Settings app. To access the UntetheredHeySiri settings, go to Settings → General → Siri, and enable the Allow “Hey Siri” switch. Then, you’ll see two new options: While Charging and Always. Source
  11. Updated! Note: You no longer have to go through these steps. Cydia can now be easily installed through the Pangu app on your Home Screen!
  12. Respring after installing and make sure you have Preference Loader installed.
  13. Less work for me
  14. There is no password, it's just CAPCHA.
  15. Hey guys! I recently configured Google CSE and thought I'd leave some tips on how to use it and what are the benefits of using it. I personally think that Google CSE is better than IPB's default search engine but if you don't like it, you can always switch back to IPB's default by clicking the Google text and selecting 'Forums' from the dropdown menu. Google CSE also lets the user search on Google without even leaving the forum so if you are looking for an image to add to your new topic, you can do so by searching the App Name and clicking the Images tab to display images based on your search. Don't misuse it or the image tab will be removed! Also get images from safe sites like itunes.apple.com or appshopper or play.google.com etc. So yeah, hope this new feature will be helpful to members and if you don't get any results using this, be sure to try out IPB's default search also. Good luck! Note: The Google CSE popup doesn't work very well on small screens (iPhones) which are viewing the Desktop Version of the site. Works fine on iPads though.
  16. I'm going to merge this with the other topic
  17. Too late http://iosgods.com/topic/2235-appcake-working-on-ios-8xx/
  18. You need Apple File Conduit "2" from Saurik's repo for your iPad to appear as Jailbroken on iFunBox. https://www.google.com/url?q=http://iosgods.com/topic/2198-apple-file-conduit-2-now-working-with-ios-8/&sa=U&ei=WiNRVLycOMjEmAWww4JI&ved=0CAYQFjAA&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNEadQ6-UTlaV5-Z9IvYLzuW0mh_Ag
  19. Awesome! Nice proof pics
  20. It's not as good as yours but it does the job.
  21. Yes, I have noticed but decided not to post it since maybe I thought you didn't want to get that much users using it and probably end up misusing the tool. You can go ahead and create a separate topic if you'd like. Nice to see you back!
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