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Everything posted by Rook

  1. hah not the same as iGG 6
  2. You got warned for spamming "K" once. Use the thanks button instead!
  3. Wrong topic If you've been with Sony all this time I guess a change is always good.
  4. Pay for it because it won't be getting cracked.
  5. Took me 12 reboots.
  6. His PM wasn't working
  7. Should work on all versions.
  8. Yes, Gameplayer is better than Game Gem but it doesn't support iOS 8. I've heard of nothing about being updated but It'll get updated. iGameGuardian already got an update for iOS 8.
  9. The hack works, the link is down. That's what you're supposed to say. @@DeathFork
  10. Ian!!!
  11. Stop spamming or you're gonna get a warning!
  12. Nice find! Moved to Tools section.
  13. I know right? Annoying links but it helps out the author to make even more hacks so I guess it's not that bad after all?
  14. More like the first Photoshop ever. I've seen his PC. Can't unsee it now.
  15. Rook

    Count to 4,000

  16. Actually, I think the iOS 8 caching has been fixed after UiKit got updated so I don't think you have to reboot for it to show now.
  17. Your email link has been removed. @
  18. You're welcome
  19. Updated template: To easily generate Tweak.xm and your Preferences Plist, use the new Code Inject generator here: https://iosgods.com/topic/24138-code-inject-generator-online-tweakxm-preferencesplist/ Hey everyone! I wanted to make a custom Patcher template for myself so I could make hacks easily without having to go through editing all the files over and over again... Well, I made the custom New Instance Creator CSCI Patcher Template and thought I'd share it with everyone else. What is this? This is a custom patcher template for the New Instance Creator. What does this do? You know how you have to make a tweak project and then cd into that folder and make a subproject of the tweak project to make it into a patcher? This template makes it so all you have to do is press number 1, type in your info and your patcher project folder will be created. How to use it? Open up a terminal, type in: /var/theos/bin/nic.pl and select [x.] iOSGods CSCI Patcher v2.1 from the list. What are the features? 1. The Preference Bundle will look like this by default but you can change anything to whatever you like. 2. Auto added support for ARM64 architecture. 3. PROJECTNAME_FRAMEWORKS = UIKit is there. 4. iOSGods.com link is there also. 6. Some other cool stuff. Tweak.xm content: #import "writeData.h" #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <substrate.h> /* To MSHook Offsets, use https://iosgods.com/topic/22718-mshook-tweakpatcherfunction-tweakpatcher-withwithout-psedittextcellpsslidercell-generator-online/ */ /* To Easily Generate Tweak.xm and Preferences Plist https://iosgods.com/topic/24138-code-inject-generator-online-tweakxm-preferencesplist/ */ #define PLIST_PATH @"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/@@PACKAGENAME@@.plist" inline bool GetPrefBool(NSString *key) { return [[[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:PLIST_PATH] valueForKey:key] boolValue]; } %ctor { if(GetPrefBool(@"key1")) { writeData(0xOFFSET, 0xHEX); } else { } if(GetPrefBool(@"key2")) { writeData(0x10963C, 0xC0F8AC70); } else { } if(GetPrefBool(@"key3")) { writeData(0x10ACEA, 0xC0F8C871); } else { } if(GetPrefBool(@"key4")) { writeData(0x1806B8, 0x381C); writeData(0x2FA51C, 0x381C); writeData(0x1806B8, 0x7047); writeData(0x1806B8, 0x7047); } else { } } /* Popup with a link Varieties of a UIAlertView Popup can be found here: https://iosgods.com/topic/13988-varieties-of-uialertview-types-to-use-in-your-tweaks-patchers/ */ %hook AppDelegate // Change this with your Application's Delegate. AppController, UnityAppController, GameDelegate etc. - (BOOL)application:(id)fp8 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(id)fp12 { // Popup only once at each launch of the app. UIAlertView *igcredits = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"@@PROJECTNAME@@ Cheats" message:@"\n@@PROJECTNAME@@ Cheats by @@[member='User']@@ for iOSGods.com" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Thanks" otherButtonTitles:@"Visit Us", nil]; [igcredits show]; [igcredits release]; return %orig(); } %new -(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex { NSString *button = [alertView buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex]; if([button isEqualToString:@"Visit Us"]) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://iosgods.com/"]]; } } %end Download: [Hidden Content] How to install: 1. Download the Archive above. 2. Copy and paste the archive to /var/theos/templates/iphone 3. Run NIC and select the iOSGods CSCI Patcher v2.1 option. Template patcher can be found here: https://iosgods.com/topic/1907-update2template-custom-nic-patcher-template/ Credits: @DiDA @Razzile for WriteData - The template is also on GitHub so if you have ideas on how to improve it. https://github.com/iOSGods/CS-Code-Injection-Template
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